This article proposes a structure for John 17. In paragraph A (1-5), Jesus prays for the glorification/revelation of the Father and the Son, so that Jesus' followers may have eternal life. This objective is achieved in Paragraph B (6-10) through the giving of God's words, resulting in the manifestation of Jesus' glory in them. Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 contain three petitions: "Keep them in your name" (11-13), "keep them from the evil one" (14-16), and "sanctify them in the truth" (17-19). The goal of these petitions is that they may be one with God, as the Father and the Son are one (11e, 21a). This request for oneness is repeated in Paragraph 6 (20-23), but here the petition is for all believers. Jesus' revelation of the Father's name has brought about oneness, since God's love and Jesus himself have come to dwell in believers (Paragraph 7 [24-26]).