There seems to be some recognition of the relevance of dihydrogen oxide (water) in many
spheres. Among others, literature in poetry, religious texts and medical science, address
the value of water in emotional, physical ...
The task of interpreting the Holy Scriptures has been a daunting enterprise throughout the
history of the Church. This article explores how analytic philosophy could be promising in
biblical interpretation. Notwithstanding ...
Across the globe, spiritual care is offered by individuals, healthcare chaplains, and
humanitarian, social and related spiritual groups on account of zeal, voluntary and
paid services. Sometimes, services are provided ...
Over the course of its history Catholicism has generated several different conceptions of
morality. The early medieval church conceived morality primarily in terms of caritas and
other virtues, the modern church generated ...
The main achievements of the huge research on the history of the Hungarian Protestantism
show that at the beginning of the Protestantism the local reformers and preachers were
interpreting Luther’s ideas, but from the ...
‘Pope calls on G7 leaders to ban use of autonomous weapons’ (The Guardian 2024) is the
headline from statements which pope Franziskus made during the G7-summit on June 14th,
2024. In general it can be observed that the ...
For centuries, philosophers and theologians debated how to reconcile the existence of an allpowerful,
all-loving, and ever-present God with the problem of evil. However, the question of
why the righteous suffer remains ...
Religious encounters are essential to every religious tradition in which the worshipper
encounters the divine. Although religious experiences have been reported in many
religious traditions, they occupy a premium place ...
May, Andreas(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, 2024-01-08)
Three different aspects are presented that can motivate people to work for the preservation of creation. All three motivations are closely linked to Christianity, so that Christianity could become the key to solve the ...
Using a religious studies methodology, this paper offers a detailed contextual mapping and a
structural configuration of how collective violence is justified in Orthodox Christianity. The
research design is explanatory, ...
The twentieth-century Calvinist philosopher-theologian, Rousas John Rushdoony is considered
to be the father of the 1950s Christian Reconstructionist movement in the United States—a
movement dedicated to advancing the ...
For scholars that are working with epistemology and the importance thereof within
the context of the ongoing bickering (fighting/mudslinging) between theist and atheists, or rather
between rationality and irrationality ...
Groen van Prinsterer (1801–1876) se Christelik-historiese beskouing is gekenmerk deur ’n
tweeledige waardering vir die Godsopenbaring soos dit neerslag vind in die Skrif aan die een
kant en in die geskiedenis aan die ...
Veldsman, Daniel Petrus(University of Pretoria, 1989-05)
English: This historic-systematic investigation by means of a literature
study, focuses on the theological propositions in the
thought of Rudolf Karl Bultmann (1884-1976) wi~h regard to
his understanding of faith and, ...
Antombikums, Aku Stephen(University of the Free State, 2024)
Open theism argues that traditional responses to the
problem of evil fail to provide comfort amidst suffering
because of their notion of metaphysical determinism and
over-dependence on Greek philosophy. Open theists
argue ...
Magyar, Balazs D.(Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust, 2023-03)
The early period of the time of the Reformation was full of social, economic, and
political problems reaching the circumstances of status confessionis. It is beyond dispute
that the two high esteemed reformers, Luther ...
Buitendag, Johan(Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust, 2023)
This article is an edited version of the paper read by the author at the launching ceremony of his septuagenarian Festschrift of the HTS theological Studies on 22 November 2023 at the University of Pretoria. It states the ...
This article employs content analysis to explore lessons that can be drawn from the Global
North to confront sexual harassment in higher education (HE) in Africa and Zimbabwe in
particular. The slow progress in both the ...
Humankind is stardust, born of the evolution of life on Earth as part of the evolution of the
universe. He is called to particular responsibility for all living beings and of creation itself.
The article discusses whether ...
The need to find clarity concerning (1) the relationship between scientific and religious cosmological discourses and (2) the imagining of a space where various religions could meet in fruitful conciliation as far as (1) ...