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New Testament Studies: Recent submissions

  • Van der Watt, G. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2003)
    In this past half century the Dutch Reformed Church was continuously building on the tradition of extended missionary involvement within South Africa as well as in several countries in Southern Africa. During the fifties ...
  • Moessner, David P., 1949- (New Testament Society of South Africa, 2008)
    Dionysius of Halicarnassus' critique of Thucydides' prose 'arrangement' provides the closest parallel in thought and rationale to Luke's opening assertions regarding the 'clear certainty' of the significance of all the ...
  • Janse van Rensburg, Hanre; Van Eck, Ernest (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-09)
    Hell is being written out of theology and banned from serious conversation; for most scholars and modern-minded people it has more or less become a theoretical issue. Yet it remains alive and burning in the Western mind - ...
  • Du Toit, Marietjie (Unisa Press, 2008)
    The aim of this paper is to show that the LXX book of Esther is to be read as a satirical drama. The paper will focus on the literary aspects of this narrative and will discuss the genre; sub-genres; characters and literary ...
  • Steyn, Gert Jacobus (New Testament Society of South Africa, 2008)
    After a brief survey of methods of using the OT in general in the NT, the focus of this study moves particularly to methods that were applied in using Scripture by the Auctor ad Hebraeos. The unknown author made use of a ...
  • Smit, Guillaume Hermanus (Teologiese Fakulteit, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2008-03)
    This article explores the impact of postmodern society of the church's understanding of herself. It lists the ecclesiological parameters within which postmodern, missional ministry should be conducted. This includes a new ...
  • Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008)
    This article links up with both the Fourth Nelson Mandela Commemorative Lecture presented by the previous President of the Republic of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, in 2006, titled the "RDP of the Soul" and with the book of ...
  • Loba-Mkole, Jean-Claude (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-09)
    This article traces the rise and development of intercultural Biblical exegesis in Africa, especially with regard to New Testament interpretations. Different trends of Biblical exegesis practiced in Africa are explored, ...
  • Moyise, Steve (New Testament Society of South Africa, 2008)
    Following the work of C.H. Dodd (1952) and R.B. Hays (1989), it is often assumed that the task of explaining scriptural quotations in the NT is to look beyond superficial discrepancies and discover sophisticated patterns ...
  • Dannhauser, Estelle Henrietta (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-09)
    N T Wright's extensive research on the subject of the historical Jesus has led him to the conclusion that the office of eschatological prophet passionately bent on delivering an urgent eschatological message is best suited ...
  • Cromhout, Markus (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-09)
    This article focuses on an investigation into the ethnic identity of first-century Galileans. Its aim is to argue that the Galileans were not descendents of northern Israelites but were mostly descendents of "Jews" who ...
  • Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.) (Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 2008)
    The purpose of this article is to explain the author's understanding of the historical Jesus in terms of a ''Weberian'' ideal type model. The lack of historical evidence of the role of a father in the life of Jesus in early ...
  • Weren, Wim J.C. (Wilhelmus Johannes Cornelis) (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    The use of violence in punishing adultery in Biblical texts (Deuteronomy 22:13-29 and John 7:53-8:11). In this article, the focus is on the extent to which in biblical texts violence is deemed acceptable in punishing ...
  • Verheyden, Jozef (Joseph) (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    An irenic dialogue with Wim Weren about violence in John 7:53-8:11. This essay engages in a dialogue with Wim Weren's contribution in this volume. It first discusses some hermeneutical perspectives on violence in the ...
  • Van Houwelingen, Pieter Harry Robert (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    A godfighter becomes a fighter for God. The Pastoral Letters refer twice, in biographical notes, to the religious past of the apostle Paul. In 1 Timothy 1 he is qualified as "a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent ...
  • Van der Watt, J.G. (Jan Gabriel), 1952-; Kok, Jacobus (Kobus) (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    Violence in a gospel of love. The perspective of the Gospel of John on violence against Jesus and his disciples. This article is the first of two articles in which violence in the Gospel of John is discussed. In these ...
  • Henten, J.W. van (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    Religion, Bible and violence. This contribution is the slightly adapted introductory lecture given at the conference on the New Testament and Violence held in Stellenbosch from 21-23 January 2008. The lecture offers a ...
  • Nicklas, Tobias (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    The Bible in anti-Semitic contexts. The article focuses on the (ab-)use of New Testament texts in the time of National Socialism. After a definition of central terms, it describes how anti-Semitic authors interpreted ...
  • Van der Watt, J.G. (Jan Gabriel), 1952-; Kok, Jacobus (Kobus) (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    The reaction of Jesus and his disciples to violence in the Gospel of John. This article is the second of two articles in which violence in the Gospel of John is discussed. It is argued that Jesus' disciples used techniques ...
  • Van Eck, Ernest (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-11)
    Jesus and violence: Mark 12:1-12 (and par) and Thomas 65. As an advanced agrarian (aristocratic) society, first-century Palestine's social fabric was built on systemic tensions and conflicts between the elite (rulers) and ...