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Research Articles (School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA)): Recent submissions

  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-09)
    The commitment of prominent universities and professional schools to the development of electronic course material for the World Wide Web (WWW) has stimulated debate about the efficacy of the Web for promoting learning. ...
  • Kuye, Jerry O.; Naidoo, Goonasagree (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-09)
    Several academics and other concerned citizens have argued that in response to the complexity envisaged in the wide world of communication stretching across vast arenas, modem governments are compelled to utilize the ...
  • Burger, D.; Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2001-06)
    One of the most extensive challenges that ordinary South Africans, and more specifically, the South African government is faced with, is to find a way to manage the looming HIV/AIDS disaster that is unfolding in our midst. ...
  • Mafunisa, M.J. (Mutuwafhethu John) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-09)
    In performing their functions, public officials have to make ethical choices. Learning about making ethical choices should therefore not be left to choice. Public officials should be equipped with ethical decision-making ...
  • Vil-Nkomo, Sibusiso (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2002-11)
    The advancement of Africa and NEPAD depends entirely on the emergence in this millennium of an African leadership for development. Issues of leadership and operational citizenship are examined and analyzed. The article ...
  • Thornhill, Christopher; Van Dijk, Hilligje Gerritdina (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-12)
    This article proposes an integrated approach to facilitate human resource development. An appropriate performance management system is a suitable mechanism to promote an integrated approach to human resource management. ...
  • Kuye, Jerry O.; Mafunisa, M.J. (Mutuwafhethu John) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-12)
    The existence of bureaucratic power cannot be overstated in the public sector. It is also important to note that the irresponsible exercise of that power arouses public concern. This article examines the responsibility ...
  • Mafunisa, M.J. (Mutuwafhethu John) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2001-12)
    This paper examines the role of professionalism in promoting effective, efficient, impartial, fair, equitable and ethical municipal service delivery. The paper starts by identifying relevant literature on the topic. It ...
  • Mafunisa, M.J. (Mutuwafhethu John) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-06)
    This paper addresses the question of whether senior public servants should be political or non-political when performing their duties. This debate has long been a central concern in the literature of United States of ...
  • Kent-Brown, Duke; Roux, Nico L. (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2003-06)
    There has been a tendency among practitioners in the Political Science and Public Administration/Management fields to jealously guard their respective academic domains; and to be often extremely sensitive to a ...
  • Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    Sound public financial management supports aggregate control, prioritisation, accountability, the efficient management of public resources and the delivery of services. Good governance depends on accountability ...
  • Ijeoma, Edwin Okey (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-12)
    Since the early 90’s, globalisation has become a universal slogan in almost all aspects of human endeavours ranging from politics, commerce, economy and public governance. Globalisation has given countries and regions of ...
  • Van Rooyen, Enslin; Malan, Lianne Priscilla (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    The notion of Developmental Local Government led to a totally new approach to what was traditionally viewed as the essential role and function of local government. Historically, local government was seen as an instrument ...
  • Thornhill, Christopher (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    Globalisation as a trend is an accepted phenomenon. The European Union, African Union, United Nations and its affiliates as well as sectoral and supra national structures attest to this statement. South Africa is a ...
  • Van Dijk, Hilligje Gerritdina; Croucamp, P.A. (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    The developmental state in South Africa has become a matter of great concern and urgency to all practitioners at the three spheres of government. The government has, since its inception in 1994, promoted economic growth ...
  • Kuye, Jerry O.; Ile, I.U. (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    Nigeria and South Africa have established themselves as strong continental players in the African region and wield a lot of power and influence. Both countries have played and continue to play important roles in international ...
  • Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes); Jordaan, Johan (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    Governance is the exercise of authority, direction and control of an organisation to ensure its goals are achieved. It refers to who is in charge of what; who sets the direction and the parameters within which the direction ...
  • Kakumba, Umar; Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    As the public sector character and attributes continue to evolve globally, the notion of accountability is identified as the pivot, around which effective public management and good governance revolve. This has followed ...
  • Kuye, Jerry O. (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2007-11)
    This article examines the ability of civic education as a concept to respond to governance imperatives in a modern state. Whether it is in democracies or non-democracies, governance imperatives require citizen ...
  • Malan, Lianne Priscilla; Croucamp, P.A. (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2006-12)
    This article reflects on the institutional origins of social capital. The premise is that the effective institutionalization of the greater good through efficient services and strategies of survival will nourish the urge ...