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Research Articles (School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA)): Recent submissions

  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (Association of Teachers in Public Administration, 2010)
    This article attempts to address the challenges that still persist in the implementation of disability policies. The international realisation of disability policies is the starting point in the implementation process. ...
  • Kuye, Jerry O. (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    This article predicates the leadership dilemmas and progress made by many African countries since independence of individual nation states. The concept, leadership, has evolved over decades with several authors attempting ...
  • Thornhill, Christopher; Van Dijk, Hilligje Gerritdina (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    Public Administration has reluctantly been accepted as a science by some of its sister disciplines in the Social Sciences. This may be ascribed to the eclectic nature of the Discipline and its reliance on related disciplines ...
  • Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes); Schoeman, R.E. (Ria Elizabeth) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    The primary means of HIV transmission – sexual intercourse – has been known for over two decades, but that information does not prevent thousands of men and women from contracting the virus every day. The AIDS epidemic ...
  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    The policy implementation research literature has identified several variables that influence implementation. This article will mainly focus on sensemaking in the implementation process. What a policy means for the ...
  • Thornhill, Christopher; Selepe, M.M. (Mocheudi Martinus) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    This article explains the role of the Royal Bafokeng Administration in the promotion of municipal service delivery. The article lists the governing, administrative and management processes which are relevant to the promotion ...
  • Moeti, Kabelo Boikutso; Zondi, Dumisani (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    The exclusion of Africans, women and the disabled from employment and active participation in the economy, has until recent years been a defining characteristic of the South African private and public sectors. As far back ...
  • Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes); Schoeman, Linda (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    Restitution has to be made in a highly political environment, making the planning and design of restitution programmes in rural, peri-urban and urban areas extremely complex. The development of governance structures for ...
  • Malan, Lianne Priscilla; Van Rooyen, Enslin (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    Whilst many developing countries engage in sound policy processes on macro level as far as economic and social development are concerned, the day-to-day victual needs of impoverished communities also depend on sound policies ...
  • Koma, Samuel Bogalebjapoo (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2010-06)
    The impetus that informs the drive for a developmental state that promotes growth and development hinges on the capacity of the local sphere of government to effectively discharge its responsibilities. The thrust of this ...
  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (Unisa Press, 2010)
    Policy innovation has become a critical policy area in public policy-making. In the context of globalisation, policy innovation should take into account socioeconomic issues to enable national governments to compete in the ...
  • Luthuli, T.B. (Tholumuzi Bruno) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2009-09)
    The South African public service is faced with challenges from different fronts to deliver services. Much has been achieved in the fourteen years of democracy in South Africa, but more could have been achieved, especially ...
  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (Association of Teachers in Public Administration, 2004-10)
    In keeping abreast with the international developments in tertiary training, a new educational model for Public Administration was developed for the University of Pretoria. This model is based on a vision of flexible ...
  • Ijeoma, Edwin Okey (Unisa Press, 2009)
    There have never been as many young Africans as there are now. The roughly 800 million young people in Africa have an untapped potential, but they are also facing significant challenges. The New Partnership for Africa's ...
  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management, 2009-11)
    Cross-national experiences and policy design in a specific jurisdiction should theoretically influence policy learning and eventually policy outcomes. This article highlights the myths and imperatives of policy learning ...
  • Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2009-10)
    The procurement of public goods and services is the link between public requirements and private sector providers. The public sector provides goods and services to satisfy the complex variety of needs of a country’s ...
  • Ijeoma, Edwin Okey (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2009-10)
    The study provides a background for the review of policies and actions adopted by African states and governments towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It begins with conceptualising the Millennium ...
  • Kruger, Mareli (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2009-10)
    Former President Thabo Mbeki’s call for the mobilisation of the public sector to speed up social transformation effectively captures the vision of the Integrated Management Development Programme. The South African government’s ...
  • Brynard, P.A. (Petrus) (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2009-10)
    Various factors influence policy implementation. This article highlights some of the critical factors that influence the success of policy implementation. The study does not claim to provide a complete set of factors, but ...
  • Van Dijk, Hilligje Gerritdina (South African Association for Public Administration and Management, 2009-10)
    The war for talent rages! This statement has echoed through public and private organisations worldwide and the end is not in sight. Contemporary public organisations have been plagued by its inability to attract, develop and ...