Low speed wind tunnel testing and data correction methods for aircraft models in ground effect

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dc.contributor.advisor Crosby, C.P. en
dc.contributor.advisor Mathews, E.H. en
dc.contributor.postgraduate Broughton, Benjamin Albert en
dc.date.accessioned 2013-09-06T17:05:03Z
dc.date.available 2013-05-07 en
dc.date.available 2013-09-06T17:05:03Z
dc.date.created 1999-05-02 en
dc.date.issued 1999 en
dc.date.submitted 2013-05-02 en
dc.description Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 1999. en
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, techniques for testing aircraft models in ground effect in a low speed wind tunnel are investigated. Although these types of tests have been done before, the current study is unique in that forces are measured with an overhead balance instead of an internal balance. This has the advantage that the types of models that are difficult to mount on a sting with an internal balance, can often be mounted with a strut protruding from the top of the model. Positioning a sting-mounted model close to the ground at a high angle-of-attack is also usually difficult if not impossible. Finally, drag measurements are often more accurate when measured with an overhead balance rather than with an internal sting-type balance. The disadvantages associated with this method of testing are identified and solutions suggested. These include accurate moment transfers and correcting for support tares and interference. The thesis also investigates general procedures associated with ground effect testing such as proper boundary corrections and the necessity of a rolling floor. A simplified preliminary test series was performed in order to identify shortcomings in the existing equipment and procedures. This series is explained in Chapter 2. Chapter 4 and 5 describe changes made to the existing equipment following this test series. These include a novel telescopic fairing to shroud the mounting strut and an internal pitching mechanism. The correction techniques and general theory are summarised in Chapter 3. The author concludes in Chapter 6 that with the application of the techniques described in this thesis, the test engineer should be able to obtain accurate and reliable data from most aircraft configurations. Additional suggestions for testing models in ground effect are also given in this chapter. Finally, a few shortcomings that still need to be investigated are mentioned at the end of Chapter 6. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek tegnieke om vliegtuigmodelle in grondeffek in 'n laespoed-windtonnel te toets. Alhoewel hierdie tipe van toetse al voorheen gedoen is, is die huidige studie uniek deurdat 'n oorhoofse balans eerder as 'n interne balans gebruik word. Die voordeel hiervan is dat modelle wat moeilik op 'n naald- of "sting"-balans monteer kan word, baie keer makliker monteer kan word met 'n stang wat deur die bokant van die model steek. Posisioneering van 'n naald-gemonteerde model naby aan die vloer van die tonnel by hoe invalshoeke is gewoonlik ook baie moeilik indien nie onmoontlik nie. Laastens is sleurkrag-metings wat met 'n oorhoofse balans gemeet is gewoonlik meer akkuraat as sleurkrag-metings wat met 'n interne naald-tipe balans gedoen is. Die nadele wat met hierdie toetsmetode geassosieer kan word, word geïdentifiseer en moontlike oplossing word voorgestel. Hierdie sluit die berekening in van akkurate moment-transformasies en monteersleureffekte en -steurings. Die verhandeling ondersoek ook algemene prosedures wat met grondeffektoetse geassosieer kan word, byvoorbeeld akkurate wandkorreksies en die nodigheid van die rolvloer. 'n Vereenvoudigde vooraf-toetsreeks was uitgevoer om moontlike tekortkominge in die bestaande toerusting en prosedures te identifiseer. Hierdie toetsreeks word in Hoofstuk 2 bespreek. Hoofstuk 4 en 5 verduidelik die veranderinge wat aan die bestaande toerusting gemaak is na aanleidng van hierdie toetsreeks. Hierdie veranderinge sluit 'n teleskopiese windskerm in om die monteerstang te isoleer van die wind, sowel as 'n interne heimeganisme om die invalshoek van die model te verstel. Die korreksieprosedures en algemene teorie word in Hoofstuk 3 opgesom. Die outeur se gevolgtekking in Hoofstuk 6 stel dat die toetsingenieur, met behulp van die gebruik van die tegnieke in hierdie verhandeling beskryf, in staat behoort te wees om betroubare metings te kan neem van meeste vliegtuigkonfigurasies. Verdere voorstelle vir die toets van modelle in grondeffek word ook in hierdie hoofstuk gemaak. Uiteindelik word 'n paar tekortkominge genoem wat moontlik in 'n toekomstige studie ondersoek kan word. en
dc.description.availability unrestricted en
dc.description.department Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering en
dc.identifier.citation Broughton, BA 1999, Low speed wind tunnel testing and data correction methods for aircraft models in ground effect, MEng dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://hdl.handle.net/2263/24292 > en
dc.identifier.other E13/4/416/gm en
dc.identifier.upetdurl http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-05022013-145355/ en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/24292
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria en_ZA
dc.rights © 1999 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Tare and interference en
dc.subject Low speed wind tunnels en
dc.subject Ground effect en
dc.subject Boundary corrections en
dc.subject Teleskopiese windskerm en
dc.subject Blokkasie korreksies en
dc.subject Eksterne balans en
dc.subject Momenttransformasies en
dc.subject Rolvloer en
dc.subject Sleur- en steuringseffekte en
dc.subject Heyson se metode en
dc.subject Wandkorreksies en
dc.subject Grondeffek en
dc.subject Laespoed-windtonnels en
dc.subject Moving belt en
dc.subject Heyson's method en
dc.subject Telescopic fairing en
dc.subject Blockage corrections en
dc.subject External balance en
dc.subject Moment transfers en
dc.subject UCTD en_US
dc.title Low speed wind tunnel testing and data correction methods for aircraft models in ground effect en
dc.type Dissertation en

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