dc.description |
Conceived and designed the experiments: Fergus J Couch, Douglas F
Easton, Georgia Chenevix-Trench, Kenneth Offit, Antonis C Antoniou.
Performed the experiments: Fergus J Couch, Julie Cunningham, Xianshu
Wang, Curtis Olswold, Matthew Kosel, Adam Lee, Mia M Gaudet,
Kenneth Offit, Franc¸ois Bacot, Daniel Vincent, Daniel Tessier. Analyzed
the data: Antonis C Antoniou, Karoline B Kuchenbaecker, Lesley
McGuffog, Daniel Barrowdale, Andrew Lee, Joe Dennis, Ed Dicks,
Vernon S Pankratz, Zachary Fredericksen, Curtis Olswold, Matthew
Kosel. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: Penny Soucy,
Kristen Stevens, Jacques Simard, Tomi Pastinen, Sue Healey, Olga M
Sinilnikova, Andrew Lee. Wrote the manuscript: Fergus J Couch, Douglas
F Easton, Antonis C Antoniou. Collected data and samples and provided
critical review of the manuscript: Fergus J Couch, Xianshu Wang, Lesley
McGuffog, Curtis Olswold, Karoline B Kuchenbaecker, Penny Soucy,
Zachary Fredericksen, Daniel Barrowdale, Joe Dennis, Mia M Gaudet, Ed
Dicks, Matthew Kosel, Olga M Sinilnikova, Franc¸ois Bacot, Daniel
Vincent, Frans BL Hogervorst, Susan Peock, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet,
Anna Jakubowska, Paolo Radice, Rita Katharina Schmutzler, Susan M
Domchek, Marion Piedmonte, Christian F Singer, Thomas v O Hansen,
Susan L Neuhausen, Csilla I Szabo, Ignacio Blanco, Mark H Greene, Beth
Y Karlan, CatherineM Phelan, Jeffrey NWeitzel, Marco Montagna, Edith
Olah, Irene L Andrulis, Andrew K Godwin, Drakoulis Yannoukakos,
David E Goldgar, Trinidad Caldes, Heli Nevanlinna, Ana Osorio, Mary
Beth Terry, Mary B Daly, Elizabeth J van Rensburg, Ute Hamann, Susan
J Ramus, Amanda Ewart Toland, Maria A Caligo, Olufunmilayo I
Olopade, Nadine Tung, Kathleen Claes, Mary S Beattie, Melissa C
Southey, Evgeny N Imyanitov, Ramunas Janavicius, Esther M John, Ava
Kwong, Orland Diez, Rosa B Barkardottir, Banu K Arun, Gad Rennert,
Soo-Hwang Teo, Patricia A Ganz, Annemarie H van der Hout, Carolien
HM van Deurzen, Encarna B Go´mez Garcia, Flora E van Leeuwen,
Hanne EJ Meijers-Heijboer, Johannes JP Gille, Margreet GEM Ausems,
Marinus J Blok, Marjolijn JL Ligtenberg, Matti A Rookus, Peter Devilee,
Theo AM van Os, Juul T Wijnen, Debra Frost, Radka Platte, D Gareth
Evans, Louise Izatt, Rosalind A Eeles, Julian Adlard, Diana M Eccles,
Carole Brewer, Patrick J Morrison, Lucy E Side, Alan Donaldson, Mark T
Rogers, Jacqueline Eason, Helen Gregory, Emma McCann, Alain
Calender, Agne`s Hardouin, Pascaline Berthet, Capucine Delnatte,
Catherine Nogues, Dominique Leroux, Etienne Rouleau, Fabienne Prieur,
Hagay Sobol, Laurence Venat-Bouvet, Laurent Castera, Marion Gauthier-
Villars, Me´lanie Le´one´, Yves-Jean Bignon, Elz_bieta Złowocka-Perłowska,
Katarzyna Durda, Katarzyna Jaworska, Tomasz Huzarski, Alessandra
Viel, Bernard Peissel, Bernardo Bonanni, Giulia Melloni, Laura Ottini,
Laura Papi, Liliana Varesco, Maria Grazia Tibiletti, Valeria Pensotti,
Norbert Arnold, Christoph Engel, Dorothea Gadzicki, Andrea Gehrig,
Karin Kast, Kerstin Rhiem, Dieter Niederacher, Nina Ditsch, Hansjoerg
Plendl, Sabine Preisler-Adams, Raymonda Varon-Mateeva, Barbara
Wappenschmidt, Bernhard H F Weber, Brita Arver, Marie Stenmark-
Askmalm, Richard Rosenquist, Zakaria Einbeigi, Katherine L Nathanson,
Timothy R Rebbeck, Stephanie V Blank, David E Cohn, Gustavo C
Rodriguez, Michael Friedlander, Victoria L Bae-Jump, Anneliese Fink-
Retter, Christine Rappaport, Daphne Gschwantler Kaulich, Georg Pfeiler,
Muy-Kheng Tea, Bella Kaufman, Shani Shimon Paluch, Yael Laitman,
Anne-Marie Gerdes, Inge Sokilde Pedersen, Sanne Traasdahl Moeller,
Torben A Kruse, Uffe Birk Jensen, Joseph Vijai, Mark Robson, Noah
Kauff, Anna Marie Mulligan, Gord Glendon, Hilmi Ozcelik, Bent
Ejlertsen, Finn C Nielsen, Lars Jønson, Mette K Andersen, Yuan Chun
Ding, Lenka Foretova, Alex Teule´, Miquel Angel Pujana, Phuong L Mai,
Jennifer T Loud, Sandra Orsulic, Steven A Narod, Josef Herzog, Sharon R
Sand, Silvia Tognazzo, Simona Agata, Tibor Vaszko, Joellen Weaver,
Alexandra V Stavropoulou, Saundra S Buys, Atocha Romero, Miguel de la
Hoya, Kristiina Aittoma¨ ki, Taru A Muranen, Mercedes Duran, Wendy K
Chung, Cecilia M Dorfling, Dezheng Huo, Salina B Chan, Anna P
Sokolenko, Laima Tihomirova, Tara M Friebel, Bjarni A Agnarsson,
Karen H Lu, Flavio Lejbkowicz, Paul A James, Per Hall, Alison M
Dunning, Daniel Tessier, Susan L Slager, Jacques Simard, Tomi Pastinen, Vernon S Pankratz, Kenneth Offit, Douglas F Easton, Georgia Chenevix-
Trench, Antonis C Antoniou, Andrew Lee, Adam Lee, Adriana Lasa,
Alexander Miron, Caroline Seynaeve, Christian Sutter, Eitan Friedman,
Elena Fineberg, Christine Lasset, Amanda B Spurdle, Anne-Bine Skytte,
Alfons Meindl, Claude Houdayer, Fiona Douglas Francesca Damiola,
Catherine Houghton, Alex Murray, Jan Lubinski, Conxi Lazaro, Christine
Walsh, Chen Wang, Jenny Lester, Huw Dorkins, Helmut Deissler, Ian
Campbell, Isabelle Coupier, Judith Balman˜a, Joan Brunet, Javier Benitez,
Jackie Cook, Jocelyne Chiquette, Judy Garber, Jacek Gronwald, Kara
Sarrel, Kristen Stevens, Laurie Small, Leigha Senter, Linda Steele, Mads
Thomassen, Marc Tischkowitz, Niklas Loman, Noralane M Lindor, Pascal
Pujol, Paolo Peterlongo, Steve Ellis, Stefanie Engert, Sue Healey, Shirley
Hodgson, Steven Hart, Sylvie Mazoyer, Siranoush, Manoukian, Senno
Verhoef, Sara Volorio. |
en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship |
The study was supported by NIH grant CA128978, an NCI Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Breast Cancer (CA116201), a U.S.
Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Idea award (W81XWH-10-1-0341), grants from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Komen Foundation for
the Cure; Cancer Research UK grants C12292/A11174 and C1287/A10118; the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme grant agreement
223175 (HEALTH-F2-2009-223175). Breast Cancer Family Registry Studies (BCFR): supported by the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
under RFA # CA-06-503 and through cooperative agreements with members of the Breast Cancer Family Registry (BCFR) and Principal Investigators, including
Cancer Care Ontario (U01 CA69467), Cancer Prevention Institute of California (U01 CA69417), Columbia University (U01 CA69398), Fox Chase Cancer Center
(U01 CA69631), Huntsman Cancer Institute (U01 CA69446), and University of Melbourne (U01 CA69638). The Australian BCFR was also supported by the
National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, the New South Wales Cancer Council, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (Australia), and
the Victorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium. Melissa C. Southey is a NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and a Victorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium
Group Leader. Carriers at FCCC were also identified with support from National Institutes of Health grants P01 CA16094 and R01 CA22435. The New York BCFR
was also supported by National Institutes of Health grants P30 CA13696 and P30 ES009089. The Utah BCFR was also supported by the National Center for
Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH grant UL1 RR025764, and by Award Number P30 CA042014 from the
National Cancer Institute. Baltic Familial Breast Ovarian Cancer Consortium (BFBOCC): BFBOCC is partly supported by Lithuania (BFBOCC-LT), Research Council
of Lithuania grant LIG-19/2010, and Hereditary Cancer Association (Paveldimo ve˙zˇio asociacija). Latvia (BFBOCC-LV) is partly supported by LSC grant 10.0010.08
and in part by a grant from the ESF Nr.2009/0220/1DP/ BRCA-gene mutations and breast cancer in South African women (BMBSA):
BMBSA was supported by grants from the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) to Elizabeth J. van Rensburg. Beckman Research Institute of the City of
Hope (BRICOH): Susan L. Neuhausen was partially supported by the Morris and Horowitz Families Endowed Professorship. BRICOH was supported by NIH
R01CA74415 and NIH P30 CA033752. Copenhagen Breast Cancer Study (CBCS): The CBCS study was supported by the NEYE Foundation. Spanish National
Cancer Centre (CNIO): This work was partially supported by Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC08), RTICC 06/0020/1060, FISPI08/1120, Mutua Madrilen˜ a
Foundation (FMMA) and SAF2010-20493. City of Hope Cancer Center (COH): The City of Hope Clinical Cancer Genetics Community Research Network is
supported by Award Number RC4A153828 (PI: Jeffrey N. Weitzel) from the National Cancer Institute and the Office of the Director, National Institutes of
Health. CONsorzio Studi ITaliani sui Tumori Ereditari Alla Mammella (CONSIT TEAM): CONSIT TEAM was funded by grants from Fondazione Italiana per la
Ricerca sul Cancro (Special Project ‘‘Hereditary tumors’’), Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC, IG 8713), Italian Minitry of Health (Extraordinary National
Cancer Program 2006, ‘‘Alleanza contro il Cancro’’ and ‘‘Progetto Tumori Femminili), Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (Prin 2008) Centro di
Ascolto Donne Operate al Seno (CAOS) association and by funds from Italian citizens who allocated the 561000 share of their tax payment in support of the
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, according to Italian laws (INT-Institutional strategic projects ‘561000’). German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ):
The DKFZ study was supported by the DKFZ. The Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands (HEBON): HEBON is supported by the
Dutch Cancer Society grants NKI1998-1854, NKI2004-3088, NKI2007-3756, the NWO grant 91109024, the Pink Ribbon grant 110005, and the BBMRI grant CP46/
NWO. Epidemiological study of BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutation carriers (EMBRACE): EMBRACE is supported by Cancer Research UK Grants C1287/A10118 and C1287/
A11990. D. Gareth Evans and Fiona Lalloo are supported by an NIHR grant to the Biomedical Research Centre, Manchester. The Investigators at The Institute of
Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust are supported by an NIHR grant to the Biomedical Research Centre at The Institute of Cancer
Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Rosalind A. Eeles and Elizabeth Bancroft are supported by Cancer Research UK Grant C5047/A8385.
Fox Chase Cancer Canter (FCCC): The authors acknowledge support from The University of Kansas Cancer Center and the Kansas Bioscience Authority Eminent
Scholar Program. Andrew K. Godwin was funded by 5U01CA113916, R01CA140323, and by the Chancellors Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences Professorship. German Consortium of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (GC-HBOC): The German Consortium of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (GCHBOC)
is supported by the German Cancer Aid (grant no 109076, Rita K. Schmutzler) and by the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC). Genetic
Modifiers of cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers (GEMO): The GEMO study was supported by the Ligue National Contre le Cancer; the Association ‘‘Le
cancer du sein, parlons-en!’’ Award and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the ‘‘CIHR Team in Familial Risks of Breast Cancer’’ program. Gynecologic
Oncology Group (GOG): This study was supported by National Cancer Institute grants to the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) Administrative Office and
Tissue Bank (CA 27469), Statistical and Data Center (CA 37517), and GOG’s Cancer Prevention and Control Committtee (CA 101165). Drs. Mark H. Greene and
Phuong L. Mai were supported by funding from the Intramural Research Program, NCI, NIH. Hospital Clinico San Carlos (HCSC): HCSC was supported by RETICC
06/0020/0021, FIS research grant 09/00859, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, and the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF). Helsinki Breast Cancer Study (HEBCS): The HEBCS was financially supported by the Helsinki University Central Hospital Research
Fund, Academy of Finland (132473), the Finnish Cancer Society, the Nordic Cancer Union, and the Sigrid Juselius Foundation. Study of Genetic Mutations in
Breast and Ovarian Cancer patients in Hong Kong and Asia (HRBCP): HRBCP is supported by The Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry and the
Dr. Ellen Li Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong. Molecular Genetic Studies of Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Hungary (HUNBOCS): HUNBOCS was supported by
Hungarian Research Grant KTIA-OTKA CK-80745 and the Norwegian EEA Financial Mechanism HU0115/NA/2008-3/O¨ P-9. Institut Catala` d’Oncologia (ICO): The
ICO study was supported by the Asociacio´n Espan˜ ola Contra el Ca´ncer, Spanish Health Research Foundation, Ramo´n Areces Foundation, Carlos III Health
Institute, Catalan Health Institute, and Autonomous Government of Catalonia and contract grant numbers: ISCIIIRETIC RD06/0020/1051, PI09/02483, PI10/
01422, PI10/00748, 2009SGR290, and 2009SGR283. International Hereditary Cancer Centre (IHCC): Supported by the Polish Foundation of Science. Katarzyna
Jaworska is a fellow of International PhD program, Postgraduate School of Molecular Medicine, Warsaw Medical University. Iceland Landspitali–University
Hospital (ILUH): The ILUH group was supported by the Icelandic Association ‘‘Walking for Breast Cancer Research’’ and by the Landspitali University Hospital
Research Fund. INterdisciplinary HEalth Research Internal Team BReast CAncer susceptibility (INHERIT): INHERIT work was supported by the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research for the ‘‘CIHR Team in Familial Risks of Breast Cancer’’ program, the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance grant 019511 and the Ministry
of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade grant PSR-SIIRI-701. Jacques Simard is Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair in Oncogenetics.
Istituto Oncologico Veneto (IOVHBOCS): The IOVHBOCS study was supported by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita` e della Ricerca and Ministero della
Salute (‘‘Progetto Tumori Femminili’’ and RFPS 2006-5-341353,ACC2/R6.9’’). Kathleen Cuningham Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer
(kConFab): kConFab is supported by grants from the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and
by the Queensland Cancer Fund; the Cancer Councils of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia; and the Cancer Foundation of Western
Australia. Amanda B. Spurdle is an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow. The Clinical Follow Up Study was funded from 2001–2009 by NHMRC and currently by the
National Breast Cancer Foundation and Cancer Australia #628333. Mayo Clinic (MAYO): MAYO is supported by NIH grant CA128978, an NCI Specialized
Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Breast Cancer (CA116201), a U.S. Department of Defence Ovarian Cancer Idea award (W81XWH-10-1-0341) and
grants from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Komen Foundation for the Cure. McGill University (MCGILL): The McGill Study was supported by
Jewish General Hospital Weekend to End Breast Cancer, Quebec Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation, and Export Trade. Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center (MSKCC): The MSKCC study was supported by Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Niehaus Clinical Cancer Genetics Initiative, Andrew Sabin
Family Foundation, and Lymphoma Foundation. Modifier Study of Quantitative Effects on Disease (MODSQUAD): MODSQUAD was supported by the European
Regional Development Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic (RECAMO, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101). Women’s College Research Institute, Toronto
(NAROD): NAROD was supported by NIH grant: 1R01 CA149429-01. National Cancer Institute (NCI): Drs. Mark H. Greene and Phuong L. Mai were supported by
the Intramural Research Program of the US National Cancer Institute, NIH, and by support services contracts NO2-CP-11019-50 and N02-CP-65504 with Westat,
Rockville, MD. National Israeli Cancer Control Center (NICCC): NICCC is supported by Clalit Health Services in Israel. Some of its activities are supported by the
Israel Cancer Association and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), NY. N. N. Petrov Institute of Oncology (NNPIO): The NNPIO study has been
supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants 11-04-00227, 12-04-00928, and 12-04-01490), the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations,
Russia (contract 02.740.11.0780), and through a Royal Society International Joint grant (JP090615). The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
(OSU-CCG): OSUCCG is supported by the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. South East Asian Breast Cancer Association Study (SEABASS):
SEABASS is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Higher Education (UM.C/HlR/MOHE/06) and Cancer Research
Initiatives Foundation. Sheba Medical Centre (SMC): The SMC study was partially funded through a grant by the Israel Cancer Association and the funding for
the Israeli Inherited Breast Cancer Consortium. Swedish Breast Cancer Study (SWE-BRCA): SWE-BRCA collaborators are supported by the Swedish Cancer
Society. The University of Chicago Center for Clinical Cancer Genetics and Global Health (UCHICAGO): UCHICAGO is supported by grants from the US National
Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI) and by the Ralph and Marion Falk Medical Research Trust, the Entertainment Industry Fund National Women’s Cancer Research
Alliance, and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA): The UCLA study was supported by the Jonsson
Comprehensive Cancer Center Foundation and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. University of California San Francisco (UCSF): The UCSF study was
supported by the UCSF Cancer Risk Program and the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. United Kingdom Familial Ovarian Cancer Registries
(UKFOCR): UKFOCR was supported by a project grant from CRUK to Paul Pharoah. University of Pennsylvania (UPENN): The UPENN study was supported by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R01-CA102776 and R01-CA083855), Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Rooney Family Foundation, Susan G. Komen
Foundation for the Cure, and the Macdonald Family Foundation. Victorian Familial Cancer Trials Group (VFCTG): The VFCTG study was supported by the
Victorian Cancer Agency, Cancer Australia, and National Breast Cancer Foundation. Women’s Cancer Research Initiative (WCRI): The WCRI at the Samuel Oschin
Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, is funded by the American Cancer Society Early Detection Professorship (SIOP-06-
258-01-COUN). |
en_US |