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Mapungubwe Archaeological Collection: Recent submissions

  • Pearson, R. (2007-01-10)
    Report by Pearson at the Royal Mint, Pretoria on the gold content of gold artifacts from Mapungubwe
  • Pearson, R. (2007-01-10)
    Report by Pearson on the analysis of gold and other metals at the Royal Mint, Pretoria
  • Pearson, R. (2007-01-10)
    Pearson's second report on analysis of gold artifacts at the Royal Mint in Pretoria
  • Pearson, R. (2006-12-04)
    R. Pearson from the Royal Mint in Pretoria reports on analysis of the Mapungubwe gold artefacts provided by Leo Fouche of the University of Pretoria
  • Young, R.B. (2006-12-04)
    R. B.Young from the University of the Witwatersrand writes to Leo Fouche about the possibility of employing a suitably trained archaeologist to work at Mapungubwe
  • Fouche, Leo (2006-12-04)
    Prof. Leo Fouche writes to Mr. Jerry Van Graan to comment on the artefacts that they found on Mapungubwe Hill
  • Van Graan, Jerry Cornelius Olivier (2006-12-04)
    Mr. Jerry Van Graan writes to Prof.Leo Fouche to arrange a meeting in Pretoria
  • Fouche, Leo (2006-12-04)
    Prof. Leo Fouche responds to Jerry Van Graan's report on the discovery of Mapungubwe Hill and requests a meeting
  • Van Graan, Jerry Cornelius Olivier (2006-12-04)
    First letter written to Prof. Leo Fouche by Mr. Jerry Van Graan from the Northern Transvaal informing him of his discovery of Mapungubwe Hill
  • Paver, F.R. (2006-12-04)
    Paver, assistant editor of The Star, writes to Prof Leo Fouche of the University of Pretoria requesting information on the discovery and archaeology of Mapungubwe
  • Schofield, John F. (Sunday Times, 1926)
    A newspaper article written by John.F. Schofield about ancient Bantu civilizations in Southern Africa
  • Du Plessis, Andre (2006-11-20)
    An important aspect of daily African life is herding cattle, which is a main resource in the economic and social life of traditional African societies
  • Du Plessis, Andre (2006-11-17)
    Confluence of the Shashi River and the Limpopo River near Mapungubwe.
  • Meyer, Andrie (2006-11-16)
    Access road north of Mapungubwe after particularly heavy rains during 2000
  • Meyer, Andrie (2006-11-16)
    Visit to the United Kingdom during 2000. The purpose was a study tour as well as to deliver the Mapungubwe gold bowl to the British Museum, Metals Conservation Department for restoration. This document is a brief report ...
  • Pretorius, Dotman (Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 1998)
    The summit of Mapungubwe Hill in 1972. Here Gardner's large scale excavation can be seen near the western end of the hill, viewed from the south, Excavation Mk 1 was done in 1973 in the western wall of Gardner's excavation, ...
  • Tiley, Sian; Van Haute, Bernadette; Basson, Eunice (University of South Africa (UNISA), 2002-09)
    The Mapungubwe Museum comprises of the proclaimed Mapungubwe Collection from Mapungubwe Hill and K2, two exceptional Iron Age archaeological sites situated in the central Limpopo Valley, Limpopo Province in South Africa. ...
  • Meyer, Andrie (Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 1998)
    Maintenance work on the Southern Terrace, July 1988
  • Meyer, Andrie (Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 1998)
    Excavation known as MK 1 on Mapungubwe Hill, 1973. Detailed excavation and recording techniques are required to reconstruct the settlement remains on the Greefswald sites.
  • King, D. (Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 1998)
    Later excavators on Mapungubwe Hill, 1973. From left to right: Andrie Meyer and J F (Hannes) Eloff Mapungubwe Archive.