The article intends to address the Son-of-Man problem by applying Delbert Burkett’s ‘question
of reference’ to those Son-of-Man logia that appear in the Sayings Gospel Q. A position is
taken that recent philological approaches to the Son-of-Man problem have not been overly
convincing, successful or helpful. Similarly, attempting to determine the authenticity of
individual Son-of-Man sayings has not led to any form of scholarly consensus. In place of
these approaches, a synchronic approach is defended and applied to the Son-of-Man sayings
in Q, with interesting results.
This article represents a
reworked version of aspects
from the PhD dissertation
(University of Pretoria),
entitled ‘The Sayings Gospel
Q within the contexts of the
third and renewed quests for
the historical Jesus: Wisdom
and apocalypticism in the
first century’, with Prof. Dr
Andries G. van Aarde as