Nut of gees? Die stand van die geesteswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika

Show simple item record Hofmeyr, Augusta Benda 2013-02-18T07:38:15Z 2013-02-18T07:38:15Z 2012-12
dc.description.abstract This contribution critically considers the findings and recommendations of the report published in 2011 by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) on the state of the humanities in South Africa. The study concludes that the humanities are in crisis, but despite the crisis situation in which they find themselves it is undeniable that they are indispensable. The humanities are indispensable because of their use or instrumental value as providing “the glue of Ubuntu” (ASSAf 2011:32) and nurturing “the intellectual lifeblood of a democratic project” (ibid., pp. 14, 137). In other words, the humanities are of vital importance because they teach us how to be truly “human” and how to live with other “humans” in “society” by uncovering our mutual dependence and fostering a feeling of solidarity (ibid., p. 25). The fact that the humanities convey essential analytical, interpretative and problem solving skills is constitutive of their human- and communitybuilding capacity. According to ASSAf, this ideal model of what it means to be “human” and what constitutes “community”, which the humanities are equipped to realise, is premised on the humanistic philosophy of Ubuntu that defines the essence of being human in terms of our mutual connectedness. The study opposes this “ideal” model to the neo-liberal model that engenders competition, individualisation, self-responsibilisation and fragmentation instead of a sense of solidarity and fellow feeling. In other words, the study defends the humanities on the basis of their instrumental value in the realisation of the ideal (Ubuntu-inspired) model of community. They teach essential communication skills that facilitate “being truly human” or a “human-centred community”, which the study considers to be the heart or “spirit” of the humanities (p. 33). Ubuntu – essentially the idea that we are truly human only through other people – is not a politically neutral concept or philosophy, however. It is fundamentally complicit with the neoliberal politico-economic policy which the post-apartheid government took over from their predecessors. Hence, the crux of my critique against the ASSAf-study is that it defends the humanities on the basis of their instrumental value and at the expense of their intrinsic value that supposes an autonomous position independent of political, economic or ideological prejudices or affiliations. The instrumental nature of their exposition undermines the “spirit” of the humanities, which they claim to defend and rests upon the very neo-liberal logic which they in principle oppose. The critique levelled against the ASSAf-report proceeds by first critically assessing the methodology of the so-called “consensus study”. Attention is subsequently drawn to the various presuppositions that underlie the wider debate on the state of the humanities. The findings of the study, which form the foundation for a number of recommendations as to how the diagnosed crisis of the humanities might be addressed, aim to uncover the problematic nature of these presuppositions. Upon closer investigation, however, these attempts at problematisation prove to be more of an apparent than a real protest against the instrumentalist logic of the existing neoliberal order, which in reality animates the argumentative thrust of the entire study. The most important presuppositions include the following: (1) the presupposed rigid demarcation between the humanities and the natural or hard sciences; (2) the uncritical assumption that all forms of science (including the humanities) should have a “direct” or immediately apparent use-value. And finally, (3) the presupposition that “the humanities” refers to a consistently defined and coherent whole, while in actual fact it serves as an umbrella term deployed differently in different contexts (in this study as opposed to other reports as well as the wider debate, for example), often grouping a slightly different collection of disciplines together that conflates the difference between “abstract” (e.g. Philosophy) and “applied” (e.g. Education or Law) forms of knowledge. In the final instance, an argument is put forward in favour of the “indirect utility” of the humanities, an argument that is fleshed out with the aid of the deconstructivist strategy that challenges the binary logic of “utility-or-nothing” with a “both/and” approach that insists that the indirect utility of critique serves as necessary condition for practicable alternative solutions. en_US
dc.description.abstract In hierdie bydrae word die bevindinge en aanbevelings van die Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) se verslag oor die toestand waarin die geesteswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika verkeer wat in 2011 gepubliseer is, krities onder die loep geneem. Na ’n kort opsomming van die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings van die verslag, word ’n kritiese blik op die metodologie van die sogenaamde “konsensusstudie” gewerp. Daarna word die aandag gevestig op bepaalde vooronderstellings waarop die wyer debat rondom die stand van die geesteswetenskappe berus. ASSAf se bevindinge op grond waarvan hulle ook bepaalde aanbevelings maak oor hoe die gediagnoseerde krisis aangepak kan word, poog om ’n aantal van hierdie problematiese vooronderstellings te bevraagteken. By nadere ondersoek blyk hierdie (laasgenoemde) pogings egter net ’n skynprotes te wees teen die instrumentele logika van die heersende neoliberale bestel wat in werklikheid die verslag se pleidooi onderlê. Die belangrikste vooronderstellings sluit in: (1) die vooronderstelde waterskeiding tusssen die geesteswetenskappe en die natuur- of eksakte wetenskappe; (2) die onkritiese aanname dat enige vorm van wetenskap (ook die geesteswetenskappe) “regstreeks bruikbaar” moet wees. (3) Laastens, die vooronderstelling dat “die geesteswetenskappe” na ’n konsekwent gedefinieerde en koherente geheel verwys terwyl dit in werklikheid ’n sambreelterm is wat in verskillende kontekste (in díe verslag teenoor ander verslae asook die breër debat, byvoorbeeld) verskillend aangewend word en dikwels ’n ander versameling dissiplines saamgroepeer. Ten slotte, lig ek my pleidooi ten gunste van die “nieregstreekse bruikbaarheid” van die geesteswetenskappe toe aan die hand van die dekonstruktiewe strategie wat die binêre logika van nut-of-niks wil uitdaag met ’n “beide/en”-benadering wat daarop aandring dat die nieregstreekse nuttigheidswaarde van kritiek ’n noodsaaklike voorvereiste is vir werkbare alternatiewe oplossings. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2013 en_US
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Hofmeyr, B 2012, 'Nut of gees? Die stand van die geesteswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika', Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 719-731. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0041-4751
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.rights Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.subject Humanities en_US
dc.subject Crisis en_US
dc.subject South Africa en_US
dc.subject Indirect utility en_US
dc.subject Instrumentalism en_US
dc.subject Neo-liberalism en_US
dc.subject Ubuntu en_US
dc.subject Spirit en_US
dc.subject Consensus study en_US
dc.subject Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) en_US
dc.subject Critique en_US
dc.subject Deconstruction en_US
dc.subject Binary logic en_US
dc.subject Double bind en_US
dc.subject Geesteswetenskappe en_US
dc.subject Krisis en_US
dc.subject Suid-Afrika en_US
dc.subject Nieregstreekse bruikbaarheid en_US
dc.subject Instrumentalisme en_US
dc.subject Neoliberalisme en_US
dc.subject Gees en_US
dc.subject Konsensusstudie en_US
dc.subject Kritiek en_US
dc.subject Dekonstruksie en_US
dc.subject Binere logika en_US
dc.subject Dubbelbinding en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Humanities en
dc.subject.lcsh Ubuntu (Philosophy) en
dc.subject.lcsh Communities en
dc.subject.lcsh Consensus (Social sciences) en
dc.subject.lcsh Neoliberalism en
dc.title Nut of gees? Die stand van die geesteswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika en_US
dc.title.alternative Utility or spirit? The state of the humanities in South Africa en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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