Lexicography and the relevance criterion

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dc.contributor.author Bothma, T.J.D. (Theodorus Jan Daniel)
dc.contributor.author Tarp, Sven
dc.date.accessioned 2013-02-15T10:17:25Z
dc.date.available 2013-02-15T10:17:25Z
dc.date.issued 2012
dc.description.abstract Until recently, lexicography and information science could rightly be considered two disciplines which had developed along parallel lines but with no or very little formal relation between them. Although the two disciplines developed in almost complete isolation from each other, during the last few years it has nevertheless become increasingly clear that they have a lot in common. This trend began within lexicography which started viewing lexicographical works as a special kind of tool designed to be consulted in order to obtain information. Upon this basis, it has been suggested that lexicography should be considered a part of information science and, hence, integrated into it (cf. e.g. Bergenholtz and Bothma 2012, Tarp 2009). It is evident that this integration of two hitherto independent disciplines with long traditions of their own is not something to be solved overnight and neither can it be a unilateral process. This article will explore the concept of relevance in both disciplines in more detail and show, at the hand of examples from lexicographical tools, how the theoretical frameworks of both disciplines can complement one another. This will be done within the framework of the function theory of lexicography, as discussed in the many works of Tarp and Bergenholtz (e.g. Bergenholtz and Tarp 2002) and others, and relevance theory in information science as defined by Saracevic (1975, 1996), Cosijn and Ingwersen (2000) and others. en_US
dc.description.abstract Tot onlangs kon leksikografie en inligtingkunde tereg gesien word as twee dissiplines wat langs parallelle lyne ontwikkel het, maar met min of geen formele verhouding tussen hulle nie. Alhoewel die twee dissiplines in bykans volkome isolasie van mekaar ontwikkel het, het dit gedurende die afgelope aantal jare al hoe meer duidelik geword dat hulle baie in gemeen het. Hierdie tendens het begin met leksikografie wat begin het om leksikografiese werke te sien as 'n spesiale tipe hulpmiddel ("tool") wat ontwerp is om geraadpleeg te word met die doel om inligting te bekom. Op grond hiervan is daar voorgestel dat leksikografie as deel van inligtingkunde gesien behoort te word, en gevolglik daarin geïntegreer behoort te word (sien bv. Bergenholtz en Bothma 2012, Tarp 2009). Dit is duidelik dat die integrasie van die twee tot-dusver onafhanklike dissiplines met lang tradisies van hulle eie nie iets is wat oornag opgelos sal kan word nie en dat dit nie 'n eensydige proses kan wees nie. In hierdie artikel word die konsep van relevansie in beide dissiplines bespreek en word daar aan die hand van voorbeelde van leksikografiese hulpmiddels aangetoon hoe die teoretiese raamwerke van die twee dissiplines mekaar kan komplementeer. Dit sal gedoen word binne die raamwerk van die funksieteorie in leksikografie, soos bespreek in die talle werke van Tarp en Bergenholtz (bv. Bergenholtz en Tarp 2002) en andere, en relevansie-teorie in inligtingkunde soos gedefinieer deur Saracevic (1975, 1996), Cosijn en Ingwersen (2000) en andere. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2013 en_US
dc.description.uri http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/ en_US
dc.identifier.citation Bothma, TJD & Tarp, S 2012, 'Lexicography and the relevance criterion', Lexikos, vol. 22, pp. 86-108. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1684-4904 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2077-0039 (online)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/21047
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Buro van die WAT/SU LIS en_US
dc.rights Buro van die WAT/SU LIS en_US
dc.subject Lexicography en_US
dc.subject Function theory en_US
dc.subject Cognitive situations en_US
dc.subject Communicative situations en_US
dc.subject Operative situations en_US
dc.subject Interpretive situations en_US
dc.subject Pre-lexicographical phase en_US
dc.subject Intra-lexicographical phase en_US
dc.subject Post-lexicographical phase en_US
dc.subject Information science en_US
dc.subject Relevance theory en_US
dc.subject Topical relevance en_US
dc.subject Cognitive relevance en_US
dc.subject Situational relevance en_US
dc.subject Socio-cognitive relevance en_US
dc.subject Affective relevance en_US
dc.subject Leksikografie en_US
dc.subject Funksieteorie en_US
dc.subject Kognitiewe situasies en_US
dc.subject Kommunikatiewe situasies en_US
dc.subject Operatiewe situasies en_US
dc.subject Interpretatiewe situasies en_US
dc.subject Preleksikografiese fase en_US
dc.subject Intra-leksikografiese fase en_US
dc.subject Post-leksikografiese situasie en_US
dc.subject Inligtingkunde en_US
dc.subject Relevansieteorie en_US
dc.subject Topikale relevansie en_US
dc.subject Kognitiewe relevansie en_US
dc.subject Situasionele relevansie en_US
dc.subject Sosio-kognitiewe relevansie en_US
dc.subject Affektiewe relevansie en_US
dc.title Lexicography and the relevance criterion en_US
dc.title.alternative Leksikografie en die relevansie-kriterium en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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