The Open Solution Methodology is a generic problem solving methodology which is used to
solve system related problems through the application of problem solving techniques. The
focus of the application of this methodology is aimed at modelling organisations, or areas
within organisations. The application ofthe Open Solution Methodology provides the benefit
of having the ability to comprehend and integrate all aspects of the system, while having a
formal and structured approach for problem solving. Together with the reduction in system
analysis time, problem solving techniques such as simulation modelling are focused through
the Open Solution Methodology models to enhance the quality Ofsolutions.
Die "Open Solution Methodology" is 'n generiese probleemoplossingsmetodologie wat
gebruik word om stelselverwante probleme op te los deur die toepassing van
problemoplossingstegnieke. Die fokus van hierdie metodologie toepassing is gernik op die
modellering van organisasies, of gedeeltes van organisasies. Die "Open Solution
Methodology" toepassing verskaf die voordeel om aile aspekte van die stelsel te verstaan en
te integreer, terwyl daarvan 'n formele en gestruktureerde benadering tot probleemoplossing
gebruik gemaak word. Tesame met die gepaardgaande verkorting van stelselanalisetyd, word
die "Open Solution Methodology" modelle gebruik om die toepassing van
probleemoplossingstegnieke te fokus omsodoende kwaliteit van die oplossings te verhoog.