The mystical visions of El Greco’s backturned figures

Show simple item record Mare, Estelle Alma 2012-10-05T14:23:47Z 2012-10-05T14:23:47Z 2011
dc.description.abstract This article is introduced with a statement about the author’s involvement with El Greco studies and her attempts to understand the manifestation of mysticism in his art. The research focusses on the visual experience of two different kinds of beholders in El Greco’s oeuvre: the virtual backturned figures in paintings beholding a vision as part of the representations, and the beholders in real space viewing the complete paintings. The presentation in each of the seven works discussed is mediated by an internal backturned beholder, forming a nodal figure in the composition, who views a mystical vision as the main theme presented in the painting, while the beholder in real space views the beholding backturned figure, his vision and the total composition. en_US
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel word ingelei deur ’n stelling oor die outeur se betrokkenheid by El Greco-studies en haar pogings om die manifestasie van mistiek in sy kuns te deurgrond. Daar word gefokus op die visuele ervaring van twee verskillende soorte betragters in El Greco se oeuvre: die virtuele ruggekeerde figure in die skilderye wat ’n visioen as ’n deel van die voorstellings aanskou, en die betragters in die werklike ruimte wat die volledige skilderye aanskou. In elkeen van die sewe werke wat bespreek word, word die voorstelling deur ’n interne betragter, as ’n nodale figuur in die komposisie, bemiddel in die vorm van ’n ruggekeerde figuur wat die mistiese visioen as die hooftema in die skildery aanskou, terwyl die betragter in die werklike ruimte die betragtende ruggekeerde figuur, sy visioen en die totale komposisie waarneem af
dc.description.librarian ai2013 en
dc.format.extent 15 pages en_US
dc.format.medium PDF en_US
dc.identifier.citation Mare, EA 2011, 'The mystical visions of El Greco’s backturned figures', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 127-141. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject El Greco en_US
dc.subject Mystical vision en_US
dc.subject Nodal figure en_US
dc.subject Backturned figures en_US
dc.subject Paintings en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Art -- History -- 16th century en
dc.subject.lcsh Greco, 1541?-1614 -- Criticism and interpretation en
dc.subject.lcsh Mysticism in art en
dc.subject.lcsh Composition (Art) en
dc.subject.lcsh Space (Art) en
dc.subject.lcsh Human figure in art en
dc.title The mystical visions of El Greco’s backturned figures en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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