Kisra is a naturally lactic acid bacteria- and yeast-fermented sorghum
thin pancake-like flatbread produced in Sudan. Kisra has considerable
potential as the basis for development of a gluten-free sandwich wrap. To
help direct cultivar selection for commercial production of these products,
two white, tan plant non-tannin Type I, one white Type II tannin, and one
red Type III tannin sorghum cultivars were evaluated with respect to kisra
protein quality and physical characteristics. Kisra from the non-tannin
sorghums were flexible and had an open-textured structure with many
regular gas cells, whereas those from the tannin sorghums were more
brittle, denser in structure, and contained far fewer and smaller gas cells.
Kisra from the tannin sorghums had the lowest reactive lysine content, in
vitro protein digestibility, and Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino
Score (PDCAAS), with values being lowest for the Type III sorghum.
PDCAAS of kisra from the Type III sorghum was only 0.12, less than
half of that from the Type I sorghums. As the tannins in tannin sorghums
adversely affect kisra protein quality and physical characteristics, white
tan plant, non-tannin sorghum cultivars are most suitable for kisra production
and for development of wrap-type sorghum-based baked goods.