The phylogeny of the genus Udonella has been disputed for quite some time, but recent phylogenetic
analysis of molecular data confirms that the genus is a monopisthocotylean monogenean. Specimens
of Udonella myliobati parasitizing the copepod Lepeophtheirus natalensis, an ectoparasite of
the spotted ragged-tooth shark, (Carcharias taurus) , were collected and studied. A total of 771
monogenean specimens were recovered from 54 infected copepods examined, with a mean intensity
of 14,3 worms per copepod. Most of the monogeneans were found attached to the dorsal surface
of the lateral and frontal marginal membranes of the copepod carapace. Eggs, with filaments
and adhesive discs, were found ventrally on the host, mainly attached to the maxillae and maxillipeds,
in clusters of 12-14. Observations on the morphology, distribution and behaviour of this monogenean
are presented with the aid of light and scanning electron microscopy.