Polemologie vir die Gees

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dc.contributor.author De Beer, C.S. (Fanie)
dc.date.accessioned 2012-06-13T06:36:35Z
dc.date.available 2012-06-13T06:36:35Z
dc.date.issued 2012-03
dc.description.abstract It was quite an exciting moment to have discovered in the beginning of the 21st century (2006) that there are really still intellectuals with a definite resolve to reinvent human spirituality, against the tremendous animosity against it, as well as mere negligence regarding it, in acknowledging and pursuing this ultimate and unique human characteristic celebrated for many centuries since the early Greek philosophers. The deflation and degradation of the value of the spirit, first by the humiliating experiences people have been submitted to during the world wars, but then also by subsequent developments in human societies called industrial populism not only cause extensive liquidation of human individuals, societies and thinking, but also the liquidation and distortion of all the knowledges human lives depend on, like know-how-to-live (or to know-how-to-be-inthe- world), know-how-to-act and know-how-to-think (including theorising and criticising). First of all, it is considered necessary to give an overview of what human spirituality may indeed entail. In this regard Valéry’s views are taken as a guideline together with the work of Bernard Stiegler and Ars Industrialis. It seems clear according to them that human spirituality constitutes the core of what it means to be human and that all human activities can be seen as manifestations of spirituality either in a negative or in a positive sense. The notion of pharmakon which may mean either poison or medication is used to describe these possible negative or positive outcomes. To work towards the positives in order to achieve a reinvention of spirituality and the re-enchantment of the world, especially in view of the strong and comprehensive impact of degrading, rationalising and deflating factors like world wars and other forms of violence, consumer culture and economic and market forces,together with technical and technological forces, constitute an immense challenge that calls for a struggle. In order to achieve this reinvention and re-enchantment the struggle is a formidable one. The reason is that a comprehensive denigration of the spirit is taking place in contemporary societies for which many powers of a political, social, economic, technical and even cognitive nature are responsible. The powers of the market and of capitalism and of consumption, under the guidance and inspiration of these powers, take over societies and individuals and destroy the love of self, and the love for others, with an effect on community and the notion of the “us” and also on human sensitivity and care. The impact touches the roots of societies to such an extent that it causes symbolic misery that also leads to spiritual misery: a misery that touches all spiritual endeavours and experiences. No wonder socio-pathology is being considered to be the deepest implication of all these and as such constitutes our single most serious problem. Extensive efforts should be mobilised to counter these developments in order to avoid catastrophic, barbaric and beastly dispositions and strategies that may lead to the downfall of the human race. Nothing less than a socio-therapy will suffice. What does such a strategy include? It is more of a process than a piece of ready made medication that has to do with the cultivation of compositional thinking, and loving, and caring of a special nature. Reinventing care, love, knowledge and a well founded society of individuals who excel in their singularity may be significant contributing factors leading towards a process of healing. It must be realised that spirit, digital technics,and technologies of the spirit are of a pharmacological nature. The pharmakon is both poison and remedy. All these matters can be either diabolical or symbolical, that is, destructive or constructive, poisonous or remedial. The embracement of the diabolical will bring about and enhance symbolic misery; the embracement of the symbolic may limit the destructive powers of the diabolical. Should we want to take up the remedy we have to move in the direction of the symbolical. The ultimate objective should be to resist industrial populism in all its manifestations of discredit, disgust, distrust and bad faith that poisons the world, in favour of the value of the spirit that will lead to the re-enchantment of the world and the rediscovery of the fullness and closeness of being. Supporting factors will be the sound foundation of society in a true communal sense and the resistance against ignorance and the illumination of true knowledge and the continuous battle for intelligence against the possibility of the degree zero of thought and the reign of ignorance, with the support of an industrial politics and technology of spirit. A kind of nootechnics or nootherapy must come into play. en_US
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel is ’n bondige oorsig oor aspekte van die werk van die filosoof, Bernard Stiegler, en die vereniging Ars Industrialis, waarby hy en verskeie kollegas betrokke is. Die vertrekpunt hiervoor is die merkwaardige publikasie deur hulle met die titel: Heropluistering van die wêreld: geestelike waarde teenoor industriële populisme, asook twee Manifeste wat binne die bestek van vyf jaar beslag gekry het as die kern van hulle argumente. Aandag word ook gegee aan die belangrikste publikasies van Stiegler wat min of meer gedurende hierdie tyd die lig gesien het. Sake wat beklemtoon word, is die karakterisering van gees, die identifisering van magte wat die gees aftakel en in die proses die wêreld ontluister, dit wat in die aftakelingsproses alles in die slag bly, die omvang en impak van hierdie magte tot die dimensies van ’n sosiopatologie toe. Die geïmpliseerde aftakeling van die individu tot ’n gedisaffekteerde wese, die aftakeling van die gemeenskap tot ’n volslae verlies van gevoelvolheid, sorgsaamheid en liefde en die aftakeling van kennis en denke tot berekenbare en berekenende middelmatigheid wat uiteindelik lei tot katastrofe, stommiteit en barbaarsheid, is alles sake wat intens geraak word. Hierbenewens word ook aandag gegee aan hoe hierdie sake, volgens Stiegler en sy medewerkers, deur ’n sekere soort stryd van ’n intellektuele, konseptuele en gevoelvolle aard beveg kan en moet word, met die hulp van institusies en dissiplines naas dié van individue, ten einde ’n sosioterapie te verwesenlik deur die herfundering van menslike gemeenskaplikheid (die ware “ons”-wees) en die stryd teen onkunde wat ook ’n stryd vir intelligensie is, waardeur die herwinning van geestelikheid, die herinvensie van sorgsaamheid en liefde, die heropluistering van die wêreld en die belewenis van synsnabyheid verwesenlik kan word met die hulp van die industriële politiek en tegnologieë van die gees. ’n Soort noötegniek of noöterapie moet in werking tree. en_US
dc.description.uri http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_akgees.html en_US
dc.identifier.citation De Beer, F 2012, 'Polemologie vir die Gees', Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 130-146. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0041-4751
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/19179
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.rights Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.subject Spirit en_US
dc.subject Industrial populism en_US
dc.subject Symbolic and spiritual misery en_US
dc.subject Sociopathology en_US
dc.subject Pharmakon en_US
dc.subject Polemology en_US
dc.subject Sociotherapy en_US
dc.subject Knowledge en_US
dc.subject Care en_US
dc.subject Love en_US
dc.subject Compositional thought en_US
dc.subject Gees en_US
dc.subject Industriele populisme en_US
dc.subject Simboliese en geestelike ellende en_US
dc.subject Sosiopatologie en_US
dc.subject Farmakon en_US
dc.subject Polemologie en_US
dc.subject Sosioterapie en_US
dc.subject Kennis en_US
dc.subject Sorg en_US
dc.subject Liefde en_US
dc.subject Komposisionele denke en_US
dc.title Polemologie vir die Gees en_US
dc.title.alternative The polemology for the spirit en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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