Every person is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in international human rights instruments without distinction of any kind: this includes race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. In particular, every person is entitled to access justice to vindicate his or her rights. Although age is not expressly mentioned as one of the prohibited grounds of discrimination, particular provisions provide for special legal protection for minors. In addition, other particular instruments have been adopted to protect the rights of minors. The right to an effective judicial remedy for acts violating fundamental rights is guaranteed to minors by human rights instruments.
The notion of ‘access to justice’ is used here in reference to an individual’s opportunity to enjoy equal access to legal services necessary for the protection of one’s rights and interests regardless of one’s means. It also implies the mechanism by which an individual may seek legal assistance including, among other things, drafting formal documents (wills, contracts), In reality,the effective enjoyment of rights is not possible when the holders of the rights have limited access to justice, i.e. access to judicial remedies in cases where their rights have been violated.