In Africa, the fight against poverty has a great deal in common with the struggle for political and
economic security. For many migrant workers around the continent and elsewhere, the need for
socio-economic security serves as the underlining motive for migration to boundaries beyond
their own, in search of ‘greener pastures’ - a life of dignity, respect and socio-economic security.
The high level of infrastructure, economic and political stability remains an attractive incentive
for irregular migrants to migrate to South Africa. Thousands of migrant workers make annually
the journey to South Africa with the hope of finding a better life. However, their arrival in South
Africa marks the beginning of an even more tenacious struggle against unimaginable odds. For
many irregular migrants, the dream of a better life soon becomes a nightmare highlighted by
constant struggle against xenophobia, police brutality, exploitation by unscrupulous employers,
marginalisation and disregard for fundamental human rights by the state.