Whereas the merit of Le Corbusier’s Unites d’Habitation is still contentious, his contemporaneous unbuilt housing schemes on the French Coast are praised for their sensitivity towards history, climate and their sites, as well as for their formative influence on some other important Post World War II buildings. This article investigates how he explored the dialectic between art and science – always a major concern for him – as well as their relationships to architecture and urbanism.
Le Corbusier se tapyt-skemas aan die Franse Kus: Terwyl die meriete van Le Corbusier se Unites d’Habitation steeds omstrede is, word die ongeboude behuisingskemas van dieselfde tyd aan die Franse Kus geloof vir hulle sensitiwiteit teenoor geskiedenis, klimaat en hul terreine, asook vir hul vormende invloed op ander belangrike geboue na Wêreldoorlog II. Hierdie artikel ondersoek hoe hy die dialektiek tussen kuns en wetenskap – altyd ’n groot oorweging by hom – verken het, asook die verhouding daarvan tot argitektuur en stedelikheid.