The Manianga of Zaïre believed, and still believe, in a Supreme Being
called 'Nzambi Mpungu '. He is the origin of all health care, including
medicinal plants. According to traditional understanding, God uses the
ancestors - 'bakulu' - to reveal these plants and their use to healers
for the sake of the living community. The belief in the ancestors as
mediators between God and people has been dispelled by missionaries.
However, there are some Manianga who, despite their Christianity, still
believe that the ancestors have an important role to play in the living
community. It is the task of the Church to demonstrate a biblical healing
ministry amid these conflicting approaches. This implies not the banning
of the practice, but its improvement according to the message of Jesus
Christ. The evangelical community of Zaïre should create a climate of
dialogue to promote effective collaboration between the traditional
healers and modern practitioners.