Building up the local church is not simplistic. It is a comprehensive
ministry. The challenge is to return the ministry to the people of God
and to equip them to be faithful as God's representatives in this world.
Any local body of believers is called to seek the coming of the Kingdom
of God within its own context and in this world. This is our (the body of
believers, including the offices) calling - not only to seek the coming of
the Kingdom but also to be a showcase of and for the Kingdom. There
is, however, often a disturbing discrepancy between the so-called defined
and empirical subjects when it comes to any given local church. The
academic discipline as well as the ministry of building up the local
church has everything to do with helping the local church to become
what it is supposed to be. In this sense it is nothing less than a ministry
of reformation - facilitating, guiding, equipping believers to become in
an increasing way who they already are in Christ.