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Old Testament Studies: Recent submissions

  • Meyer, Esias E. (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2011-01)
    The article with Leviticus 11 and with some of the ways in which it has been used in the ecotheological . Leviticus 11 is part of the Priestly text and Priestly theology has mostly been criticised for its legalism and ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2011-01)
    Psalm 26 has been described as a late pre-exilic prayer of innocence. In it a speaker professes innocence, invites Yahweh to put him to the test, and expresses dissociation from certain groups of people who behave unethically. ...
  • Le Roux, J.H. (Jurie Hendrik), 1944- (Teologiese Fakulteit, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2010-09)
    This article focusses on Eckart Otto’s theory of the Pentateuch, his contribution to Pro Pent (the “Project for the study of the Pentateuch”) and his influence on our understanding of the first five books of the Hebrew ...
  • Berges, Ulrich (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2010)
    The aim of this article is to represent conclusions for scholarly exegesis from recent developments in the field of the prophets, especially those pertaining to the Book of Isaiah. In order to do this, the author will ...
  • Mtshiselwa, Ndikho (Vincent Ndikhokele Ndzondelelo) (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2010)
    In recent times, the texts of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 have attracted the attention of Old Testament scholars, clergy and the laity, alike. In my view, such an attention has been inspired by the readers’ quest for a ...
  • Mamahit, Ferry Yefta; Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-09)
    This article applied rhetorical analysis to an analysis of Amos’ prophetic oracle against Israel’s social injustices in Amos 2:6–8. The prophet uses a major rhetorical genre, namely judicial rhetoric, and several smaller ...
  • Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-10)
    Although prophecy as a phenomenon is recognised as being common to Mari, Mesopotamia and other Near Eastern contexts, the huge process of collecting, editing and interpreting prophecy that took place as part of the formation ...
  • Keun, Ahn Sang; Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-08)
    The narrative in Genesis 18:1–15 deals with God’s visit to Abraham at Mamre. The general tendency in the interpretation of this narrative is to focus on Abraham’s hospitality. It is usually interpreted as an example of ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-10)
    This article aimed to give an overview of the early attestations to prophecy in the Ancient Near East (ANE) in order to stimulate reflection on what could be understood by ‘prophetism’. The most extant sources for prophetic ...
  • Chan, Man Ki; Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-10)
    This article deals with the exegetical approach of the early Jewish school. It discusses the meaning and definition of midrash as a distinctive approach in Jewish interpretation. The relationship between midrash and ...
  • Meyer, Esias E. (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-11)
    This article engages with the work of scholars such as Jacob Milgrom and Avi Hurvitz on dating the Priestly text (P) in the pre-exilic period. In response to Wellhausen’s argument that P is guilty of archaising, Milgrom ...
  • Wildenboer, J.M. (Johannes Michael) (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-11)
    Joshua 3 and 4 confront the attentive reader with several literary problems, especially with regard to chronology. This article attempts to provide a solution to the problems in Joshua 3. The author reconstructed narratives, ...
  • Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-11)
    According to the New-Testament authors, the life of Jesus, as Christ, should be seen in light of the Old-Testament texts. It seems that all the messianic texts in the Old Testament had been fulfilled in Jesus. The Messiah, ...
  • Venter, P.M. (Pieter Michiel), 1947- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-07)
    Publications on Old Testament ethics often use triadic constructs to explain the moral impact of Biblical passages. In Genesis 11:27–50:26, Ezra 9:6–15, Nehemiah 7:72b–10:40, Damascus Document (CD) V:1, 2–6 and Jubilees ...
  • Le Roux, Elritia (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-03)
    The hypothesis offered in this study is that the Johannine texts are authoritative, canononical documents with the inherent potential that is applicable to the practical lives of the faithful. Since Biblical texts are ...
  • Ndoga, Sampson S. (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Limpopo, 2009)
    Psalm 133 celebrates brotherly unity as an ideal that commands divine blessing. Similarly, the African philosophical outlook of “ubuntu” upholds that ideal. With that common ideological perspective within the biblical and ...
  • Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969- (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2004)
    The discussion on methodology in the South African exegetical arena is still continuing. Over the past decades, several contributions have kept this debate alive. The aim of this article is to contribute to this ongoing ...
  • Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969- (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2002)
    The strophe comprising the cola 23a-30b is characterised by a remarkable series of imprecations which the supplicant directs against all those enemies who act against him in villainy (23a-29b). The supplicant appeals to ...
  • Venter, Philip P. (OpenJournals Publishing, 2009)
    This article examines the ideology of the body, specifically in terms of the gender of Wisdom and God, from an ecojustice perspective. Femininity within a God construct could contribute to a value system that incorporates ...
  • Seidl, Theodor (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2009)
    The goal of this article is to show how the three Old Testament texts mentioning Carchemish (Isa 10:9; Jer 46:2; 2 Chr 35:20) treat and reflect the historical event of the battle of Carchemish in 605 B.C.E. which totally ...