Matriliny is a kinship system in which descent is traced through the mother’s line. This cultural
diversity within the African continent is found among the Ohafia village group of Southeast
Nigeria. In Ohafia matrilineal ...
Esterhuizen, Elizabeth; Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969-(Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2023-12-01)
The texts of Isaiah 7 and 8 are a paragon of metaphorical meanings and signs, especially as they pertain to the name-giving of Isaiah 's sons: Shear-Jashub, Immanuel, and Maher-shalal-hash-baz. This opens a scope of ...
Coleman, Roche(Old Testament Society of Southern Africa, 2023-12-01)
Arguments for humans and animals existing in the imago Dei derive from a desire to harmonize Genesis 1:26-28 and alleged scientific views derived from an evolutionary system. An accurate analysis of biblical anthropology ...
Lumanze, Obedben Mmesomachukwu(Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2024-11-20)
Historically, Malachi 2:16 has served as a veto against divorce, especially among African evangelicals. While marriage is ideally a lifelong commitment, this interpretation often overlooks the context of the passage. Many ...
This article combines the model of critical spatiality with collective memory and religious
imagination in order to create a theoretical basis from which to study biblical texts. The
combination of critical spatiality, ...
The fact that Pentecostal Christianity is the fastest growing form of Christianity in Africa
can no longer be a subject of debate. Christianity, one of the major religions in the world,
has been growing at unprecedented ...
Snyman, Deon Wilhelm(University of Pretoria, 2005)
English: The YHWH-m/k-psalms (Pss 47, 93, 96-99) are some of the best-known psalms
in the Old Testament. The identification in these psalms of YHWH I God with the
word mlk (King) (Pss 47:3, 7-9; 93:1; 96:1 O; 97:1; 98:6; ...
This article dealt with the irony that confronts any investigation into the conceptualisation of
morality in Judaism: much of contemporary scholarship promotes the Strong Dependence
Theory where God is considered the ...
This article addressed ‘The conceptualisation of morality in ancient religions at the hand of
the Gilgamesh Epic’. After pointing out that ancient languages do not have words for neither
morality nor religion, I discussed ...
This article examines Proverbs 3:31–35 in the exam malpractice crisis ravaging secondary
schools in Nigeria. Proverbs 3:31–35 has the central thesis of the call to avoid the company of
evildoers and the blessings of going ...
The priests and scribes were familiar with the process of applying a manuscript or prophecy
to a current context to produce relevant material for the era. It is most probable that the scribes
and/or priests during the ...
While one’s memory might not always be flawless, possibly because of forgetfulness, memory
loss, or selective recall, there are certain memories that demand to be remembered. These
memories can flow through people’s lives ...
Scholars of the Old Testament affirm that the book of Joshua through 2nd Kings is collectively
called the deuteronomistic history. The literary unit of Joshua 7:1–5 is one the Locus Classicus
of Old Testament. Obedience ...
This article examines the Amnon–Tamar narrative in 2 Samuel 13:1–22 in the light of the
psychological effects of rape in Enugu State, Nigeria. 2 Samuel 13:1–22 is an exposition on the
tragic assault meted out on Tamar ...
A theological response to the crisis of cult-related activities in Warri is imminent, considering
the increasing number of young people joining the group on a daily basis. Proverbs 1:8–19
presents important aphorisms ...
Kirkpatrick, James Dudley(University of Pretoria, 1993-12)
English: For the past 50 years the book Zephaniah has been the object of intense research.
This research has been done from diverse methodological angles; except for obtuse
references, the theme of eschatology has, ...
Migration of people, whether legal or not, is no doubt one of the universe’s enigmas. As a
subject that seeks the engagement of interdisciplinary approaches, the biblical text is not in
shortage of references to the ...
The article examines how water features in different rituals in Leviticus and Numbers. It starts
by providing an overview of how water is used in Leviticus and Numbers for cleansing and
other rituals, focusing on cases ...
More than one hundred years of Bible translation in Malawi with a primary focus on the production of written versions has left behind those who have an oral orientation, negatively affecting Bible engagement in most rural ...