The church founded by the South Africa General Mission (SAGM) missionaries in
Chimanimani, Zimbabwe, is now called the United Baptist Church (UBC) of Zimbabwe
(Dube, 2017; 2022). Like other missionary-founded churches ...
Matriliny is a kinship system in which descent is traced through the mother’s line. This cultural
diversity within the African continent is found among the Ohafia village group of Southeast
Nigeria. In Ohafia matrilineal ...
There are continued quests to achieve and maintain peace and security in the world, with
special reference to Nigeria. However, in her history, sustainable peace and security have
not been wholesomely consolidated. Nigeria ...
Esterhuizen, Elizabeth; Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969-(Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2023-12-01)
The texts of Isaiah 7 and 8 are a paragon of metaphorical meanings and signs, especially as they pertain to the name-giving of Isaiah 's sons: Shear-Jashub, Immanuel, and Maher-shalal-hash-baz. This opens a scope of ...
Mbebe, Daluxolo Gerald(Church History Society of Southern Africa and Unisa Press, 2025-02-03)
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was constituted to help South Africa deal with the crime of apartheid. Faith communities were called to account for their actions or inactions because they, too, were actors ...
Coleman, Roche(Old Testament Society of Southern Africa, 2023-12-01)
Arguments for humans and animals existing in the imago Dei derive from a desire to harmonize Genesis 1:26-28 and alleged scientific views derived from an evolutionary system. An accurate analysis of biblical anthropology ...
Lumanze, Obedben Mmesomachukwu(Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2024-11-20)
Historically, Malachi 2:16 has served as a veto against divorce, especially among African evangelicals. While marriage is ideally a lifelong commitment, this interpretation often overlooks the context of the passage. Many ...
Travellers on the N4 highway just east of Pretoria can see evidence of a sacred spring next to
the road with pilgrims moving around the landscape and collecting water. This research
explored this place – called ‘En Four’ ...
The conjoined themes of mission, migration, and nationalism are central issues in the Gospel of
Luke. These essential motifs were amalgamated in a rhetorical composition to persuade implied
readers to be mission-focused ...
This article combines the model of critical spatiality with collective memory and religious
imagination in order to create a theoretical basis from which to study biblical texts. The
combination of critical spatiality, ...
There seems to be some recognition of the relevance of dihydrogen oxide (water) in many
spheres. Among others, literature in poetry, religious texts and medical science, address
the value of water in emotional, physical ...
An eco-theological analysis of African Initiated Churches (AICs) has revealed that most of
these churches use water for a myriad of rituals ranging from baptism to consecratory rites.
Their affinity with water even ...
Theologians are split into two groups: those who embrace prosperity theology and those
who oppose it; both sides on scriptural grounds. Those criticising it embrace cessationism in
its diversity, while its supporters are ...
The alienation of labour is both classical and contemporary. In its classical form, it speaks to the
potential dehumanisation of workers in capitalist societies. In its contemporary form, it
manifests itself in the ...
There is a gap in studies focussing on Ndau traditional religion and water. Most research
addresses nature conservation rather than examining how water is perceived by the Ndau
people. This study aims to explore the ...
Conflicts in the Pentecostal church leadership have been growing since time immemorial.
However, leadership disputes have become traumatic and tragic in Zimbabwe to the extent
that junior pastors are committing suicide ...
This article had as a point of departure, the fact that the most important component of
church life and work, was its members, whose edification and enablement were of vital
importance. A background was proffered to help ...
Uzuegbu, Joshua O.; Agbo, Christian O.(AOSIS, 2024-05)
This study is aimed at evaluating the influence of the god of iron on ironworking communities
in Ǹsúkkā cultural area. In the study area, the Supreme God – Chúkwú Òkìkè, Chínēkè or Chúkwú
Ábíàmà is believed to control ...
The article seeks to purvey a moral philosophical foundation to the apostolic letter. The
apostolic letter speaks pointedly of the fatherhood crisis as an issue that needs moral
philosophical atrention. The research will ...
Prinsloo, Christoffel B.; Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim)(AOSIS, 2024-12)
Poverty remains a critical socio-economic challenge in South Africa, deeply rooted in the
country’s history of colonialism and apartheid. This article examines the multifaceted role of
churches in poverty alleviation ...