Fabris-Rotelli, Inger Nicolette; Smit, Neill; Potgieter, Cornelis J.; Fatti, Paul; Blignaut, Renette J.; Hastie, Trevor; Coetzer, Roelof; Chhana, Yoko; Le Roux, Niël; Lubbe, Sugnet; Reddy, Tarylee; Debba, Pravesh; Ferreira, Johan; Haines, Linda; Thiart, Christien; Farrar, Thomas; Sharp, Gary; Smit, Ansie; Jenneker, Ashwell; Morey, Liesl; Booyse, Mardé; North, Delia; Neethling, Ariane
(Academy of Science of South Africa, 2024-11)
The South African Statistical Association (SASA) turned 70 years old in 2023, having made huge impacts
in South Africa and beyond. Through SASA, the statistics community in South Africa has made significant
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