Gustin, Mae Sexauer; Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah M.; Lyman, Seth; Horvat, Milena; Gay, David A.; Gačnik, Jan; Gratz, Lynne; Kempkes, Geyan; Khalizov, Alexei; Lin, Che-Jen; Lindberg, Steven E.; Lown, Livia; Martin, Lynwill; Mason, Robert P.; MacSween, Katrina; Nair, Sreekanth Vijayakumaran; Nguyen, Ly Sy Phu; O’Neil, Trevor; Sommar, Jonas; Weiss-Penzias, Peter; Zhang, Lei; Živković, Igor
(American Chemical Society, 2024-07)
Mercury (Hg) researchers have made progress in understanding atmospheric Hg, especially with respect to oxidized Hg (HgII) that
can represent 2 to 20% of Hg in the atmosphere. Knowledge developed over
the past ∼10 years ...