Translating Romans : some persistent headaches

Show simple item record Du Toit, Andrie B. (Andreas B.) 2011-08-19T12:07:23Z 2011-08-19T12:07:23Z 2010
dc.description.abstract This article concentrates on some of the linguistic phenomena in Romans which continuously cause exegetes and translators alike headaches. Various translations are discussed and possible solutions are offered. It all too often happens that, when facing problems of translation, translators seek refuge in the safe harbour of traditional renderings, even if these only camouflage the real issues. Scientifically it is more responsible to continue wrestling with the text and, through trial and error, eventually make some progress than to resign to this type of false certitude. en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel konsentreer op ’n aantal linguistiese manifestasies in Romeine wat voortdurend aan eksegete en vertalers hoofbrekens besorg. Verskillende vertalings word bespreek en moontlike oplossings aangebied. Wanneer vertalers gekonfronteer word met vertalingsprobleme is hulle geneig om al te gemaklik terug te val in die veiligheid van tradisionele vertalings, selfs al sou laasgenoemde die werklik kontensieuse punte bloot kamoefleer. Om met die teks te bly worstel, selfs al sou dit foutlopies insluit om daardeur mettertyd vordering te maak, is wetenskaplik meer verantwoord as valse sekerheid. af
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Du Toit, AB 2010, 'Translating Romans : some persistent headaches', In die Skriflig, vol. 44, no. 3 & 4, pp. 581-602. en
dc.identifier.issn 1018-6441
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Bureau for Scholarly Journals en_US
dc.rights Bureau for Scholarly Journals en_US
dc.subject Linguistic phenomena en
dc.subject Romans en
dc.subject Linguistiese manifestasies af
dc.subject Romeine af
dc.subject Vertaling af
dc.subject.lcsh Translating and interpreting en
dc.subject.lcsh Bible -- N.T. -- Romans -- Translating en
dc.title Translating Romans : some persistent headaches en
dc.title.alternative Vertaling van Romeine : ’n aantal hardnekkige hoofpyne af
dc.type Article en

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