Lithium and electrical properties of ZnO

Show simple item record Vines, L. Monakhov, E.V. Schifano, R. Mtangi, Wilbert Auret, Francois Danie Svensson, B.G. 2011-04-18T06:24:27Z 2011-04-18T06:24:27Z 2010-03
dc.description.abstract Hydrothermally grown n-type ZnO samples have been investigated by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), thermal admittance spectroscopy (TAS), temperature dependent Hall effect (TDH) temperature, and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) after thermal treatments up to 1500◦C, in order to study the electrical properties of samples with different lithium content. The SIMS results showed that the most pronounced impurities were Li, Al, Si, Mg, Ni and Fe with concentrations up to ∼ 5 × 1017cm−3. The Li concentration was reduced from ∼ 1017 cm−3 in as-grown samples to ∼ 1015 cm−3 for samples treated at 1500◦C, while the concentration of all the other major impurities appeared stable. The results from DLTS and TAS displayed at least five different levels having energy positions of Ec − 20 meV , Ec − 55 meV , Ec − 0.22 eV , Ec − 0.30 eV , and Ec − 0.57 eV (Ec denotes the conduction band edge), where the Ec − 55meV level is the dominant freeze out level for conduction electrons in samples treated at temperatures < 1300◦C, while higher annealing temperatures revealed the shallower (Ec − 20 meV ) level. The TDH measurements showed a pronounced increase in the electron mobility for the heat treated samples, where a peak mobility of 1180 cm2/V s was reached for a sample treated at 1300◦C. The results provide strong evidence that Li in hydrothermal ZnO is almost exclusively in the substitutional configuration (LiZn), supporting theoretical predictions that the formation of LiZn prevails over Li on the interstitial site for Fermi level positions at and above the middle of the band gap. en
dc.identifier.citation Vines, L, Monakhov, EV, Schifano, R, Mtangi, W, Auret, FD & Svensson, BG 2010, 'Lithium and electrical properties of ZnO', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 107, no. 10. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0021-8979
dc.identifier.other 10.1063/1.3415551
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher American Institute of Physics en_US
dc.rights © 2010 American Institute of Physics en_US
dc.subject Annealing en
dc.subject Crystal growth from solution en
dc.subject Impurity distribution en
dc.subject Interstitials en
dc.subject Semiconductor growth en
dc.subject.lcsh Deep level transient spectroscopy en
dc.subject.lcsh Electron mobility en
dc.subject.lcsh Fermi liquid theory en
dc.subject.lcsh Secondary ion mass spectrometry en
dc.subject.lcsh Zinc compounds en
dc.subject.lcsh Lithium en
dc.title Lithium and electrical properties of ZnO en
dc.type Postprint Article en

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