Joshua 3 and 4 confront the attentive reader with several literary problems, especially with
regard to chronology. This article attempts to provide a solution to the problems in Joshua 3.
The author reconstructed narratives, namely a Deuteronomistic and a post-priestly narrative. The
Deuteronomistic narrative forms part of the original narrative of the Jordan crossing. It also forms
part of an exilic Deuteronomistic History. The aim of this exilic Deuteronomistic History is to
explain the loss of the land during the Babylonian exile.
The post-priestly narrative of Joshua 3 and 4 most probably came into being when the priestly
material (Gen–Num) was linked with the Deuteronomistic History. Thus, the post-priestly
narrative of Joshua 3 and 4 elaborates on and expands the original Deuteronomistic narrative
of the Jordan crossing. The merging of these two narratives is the cause of the chronological and
other literary problems in Joshua 3.
Hierdie artikel is `n
verwerking van `n gedeelte
van Johan Wildenboer se
PhD proefskrif getitel ‘`n
Literêr-historiese ondersoek
na Josua 3 en 4’ (2010),
in die Departement Ou
Testamentiese Wetenskap,
Universiteit van Pretoria,
onder leiding van prof. dr
Dirk Human.