PHOTO 1: The popliteal lymph node is a palpable lymph node that is situated in the popliteal area of the hind limb. Prior to a lymph node biopsy the skin overlying the lymph node must be prepared by shaving the hair and sterilizing the surgical site. PHOTO 2: Surgical instruments that are required for a biopsy include forceps, dissecting scissors, a surgical blade and biopsy needles. PHOTOS 3-8: The popliteal lymph node is a palpable lymph node that is situated in the popliteal area of the hind limb. Before a biopsy the lymph node must be palpated to evaluate the consistency of the lymph nodes. A small incision in the skin covering the lymph node facilitates the passage of the biopsy needle. The biopsy needle is then advanced though the lymph node. The needle is then withdrawn from the body with the biopsy sample. The biopsy sample can then be transferred to a biopsy cassette.
REFERENCES: PHOTOS 1-8: Slatter, D (ed) 2002, ‘Textbook of small animal surgery’, 3rd ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 2317-2318.