OBJECTIVE: This paper reports on the conceptualisation of "soft skills" as part of a study carried out among two groups of
undergraduate medical students before and after curriculum reform at the School of Medicine of the University of Pretoria.
Congruent with a call from the World Psychiatric Association, the curriculum reform that was undertaken aimed, inter alia, to
place more emphasis on soft skills, including professional interpersonal and social skills, communication skills, and
professional and ethical attitudes. METHODS: Qualitative methods were used to arrive at a descriptive comparison of the
conceptualisation of soft skills by final-year medical students of the traditional curriculum with those of final-year students
who had followed the reformed curriculum. A purposive-theoretical sampling method was followed; 42 students from the
traditional curriculum and 49 from the reformed curriculum were sampled. Data were collected from seven focus groups, 16
individual interviews, and 23 essays (autobiographical sketches). RESULTS: Both groups of students revealed
conceptualisations of soft skills that were similar in kind. The themes they pinpointed were the doctor-patient relationship;
relationships with other professionals; being a good listener; explaining things to patients; using good communication skills;
establishing rapport with patients from different cultural backgrounds; having a professionally correct attitude; being really
interested in patients’ well being; having empathy; coping with patients, managing difficult situations, and being ethical and
professional. However, the traditional curriculum students offered fewer examples and described fewer experiences that
exemplified their soft skills. Students following the reformed curriculum gave rich accounts of their conceptualisation in
terms of their own experiences and practical examples of how soft skills had been or could be used, particularly in difficult
interpersonal situations. Moreover, they came up with helpful ways of dealing with difficult situations, which surpassed the
suggestions offered by the students following the traditional curriculum. CONCLUSION: The educational and training efforts of
the reformed curriculum are associated with an adeptness on the part of the students at applying soft skills to the demands of
difficult clinical situations.