Planning empty container relocations under uncertainty

Show simple item record Bean, Willemiena Lodewika Joubert, Johan W. 2010-10-05T12:15:17Z 2010-10-05T12:15:17Z 2010-05
dc.description.abstract Reusable packaging often accumulates downstream in supply chains, resulting in non-revenue-earning relocations. This paper presents a reliable optimisation model under supply and demand uncertainty. Instead of using deterministic forecasted values, we propose a fixed recourse stochastic program that embeds the approximated uncertainties within the decision model. Results do indeed prove to be more reliable, and thus useful to industry. We also investigate the model's sensitivity to the difference in weighting of inventory versus stock-out penalties. The valuable role of Operations Research in industry – and of optimisation, specifically – is affirmed. Though uncertainties cannot be eradicated, planned relocations can be done more reliably. en
dc.description.abstract Herbruikbare verpakking bou gereeld aan die onderpunt van voerkanaalnetwerke op met nie-verdienste-genererende herskuiwings tot gevolg. Hierdie artikel bied ’n betroubare optimeringsmodel aan wat vraag- en aanbodonsekerheid aanspreek. In plaas van deterministiese vooruitskattings, stel ons ’n vaste verhaling stogastiese program voor waar die benaderde onsekerheid in die model self vasgevang word. Resultate is inderdaad meer betroubaar en dus bruikbaar vir industrie. Ons beskou ook die sensitiwiteit van voorraad- teenoor vooraadlose strafgewigte. Die waardevolle rol van Operasionele Navorsing – en meer spesifiek, optimering – word bevestig. Alhoewel onsekerheid nie uitgewis kan word nie, kan meer betroubare herskuiwings beplan word. en
dc.identifier.citation Bean, WL & Joubert, JW 2010, 'Planning empty container relocations under uncertainty', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 113-122. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.subject Container en
dc.subject Relocations en
dc.subject.lcsh Containers en
dc.title Planning empty container relocations under uncertainty en
dc.type Article en

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