1934 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 2, 1934

1934 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 2, 1934


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 2: Number 1

Section I: Protozoology

The trypanosome infection of Glossina pallidipes in the Umfolosi Game Reserve, Zululand Whitnall, ABM 7

Section II: Bacteriology

Thomsen's hemagglutination phenomenon; isolation of a J-like bacillus Mason, JH 25

A note on the cultivation of anaerobes Mason, JH 29

The liquefaction of inspissated serum by the "lamb dysentery bacillus" Mason, JH 33

Section III: Parasitology

Descriptions of new species of Anoplura parasitic on antelopes and a hare Bedford, GAH 41

South African ticks. Part I Bedford, GAH 49

The vegetable diet theory of Glossina pallidipes Harris, RHT & Whitnall, ABM 101

Section IV: Mineral Metabolism

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXVII. Modifications of the methods used at Onderstepoort for the determination of (a) magnesium and calcium, (b) potassium in grass-extracts Holzapfel, CR 115

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXVIII. Methods of the micro-determination of iodine in biological material Blom, IJB 123

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXIX. The iodine content of foodstuffs in relation to the occurrence of endemic goitre in the Langkloof Valley Blom, IJB 131

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXX. Variations in the iodine content of grasses at different stages of growth and a note on the iodine content of milk Blom, IJB 139

Section V: Chemical Blood Studies

Chemical blood studies. VI. A serial study of a 12 months' period of some organic constituents in "laked" and "unlaked" blood filtrates of healthy sheep (Merino) of various ages Hamersma, PJ 153

Section VI: Dips and Dipping

Researches into dips and dipping. A. Lime-sulphur dips. Paper IV. Further studies on the colorimetric method as a rapid means of control of polysulphide solutions Wilken-Jorden, TJ 231

Researches into dips and dipping. A. Lime-sulphur dips. Paper V. The minimum effective concentration of lime-sulphur dips for sheep scab eradication Bedford, GAH & Wilken-Jorden, TJ 239

Researches into dips and dipping. A. Lime-sulphur dips. Paper VI. A survey of the behaviour of lime-sulphur dips under field conditions Hambrock, HA, Wilken-Jorden, TJ & Graf, H 243

Researches into dips and dipping. C. Miscellaneous. The effect of dosing aloes to tick-infected cattle Bedford, GAH & Wilken-Jorden, TJ 267

Researches into dips and dipping. D. Effect of dips on wool. Paper I. The effect of arsenical dips on wool Hambrock, HA.& Wilken-Jorden, TJ 271

Section VII: Animal Husbandry

A statistical analysis of growth and carcase measurements of baconers Murray, GN 301

Studies on the origin of the sulphur in wool. I. A study of the Sullivan technique for cystine Rossouw, SD & Wilken-Jorden, TJ 361

Volume 2: Number 2

Section I: Virus Diseases

The immunization of horses and mules against horsesickness by means of the neurotropic virus of mice and guinea pigs Alexander, RA & Du Toit, PJ 375

The occurrence and identification of bluetongue in cattle - the so-called pseudo-foot and mouth disease in South Africa Bekker, JG, De Kock, GVDW & Quilan, JB 393

Investigations into the transmission of bluetongue in sheep during the season 1931-32 Nieschulz, O, Bedford, GAH & Du Toit, RM 509

Section II: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXXI. Minimum mineral requirements of cattle. Second report Du Toit, PJ, Malan, Al & Groenewald, JW 565

A study of the mineral content and feeding value of natural pastures in the Union of South Africa.Second report Du Toit, PJ, Malan, AI, Louw, JG., Holzapfel, CR & Roets, GCS 607

A well-balanced ration for stock rats Kellerman, JH 649

Section III: Physiology

Studies in sex physiology. No. 10. The situation of the developing foetus in the Merino sheep Curson, HH & Quinlan, JB 657

Section IV: Poisonous Plants

Chase Valley disease. Cestrum laevigatum Schlecht. (Inkberry plant), its toxic effects on ruminants Thorburn, TA 667

Urginea capitata Baker - the berg slangkop, its toxic effects on ruminants, with a brief botanical survey of area Mitchell, DT, Bayer, AM & Canham, AS 681

Author index 690

Subject index 693

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