Monolatries-monoteïstiese perspektiewe in die Psalms : konsep vir ’n teologiese ontwerp uit Eksodus 15:1b-18

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dc.contributor.upauthor Human, Dirk J. 2010-02-22T07:16:07Z 2010-02-22T07:16:07Z 2002
dc.description.abstract This article proposes a theological concept from Exodus 15:1b-18 for the monolatric-monotheistic discussion in the Psalms. After some introductory perspectives on the monotheism debate in general a few themes are identified from Exodus 15. These include themes such as of the incomparability of Yahweh, His kingship as well as the exclusivity of Yahweh’s existence and the theme of worshipping him. Finally, the praise of Yahweh as God of the gods forms the climax for this theological construct. The concept is then proposed as basis for the monolatric-monotheistic discussion in the psalms. en
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Human, DJ 2002. 'Monolatries-monoteïstiese perspektiewe in die Psalms: Konsep vir ’n teologiese ontwerp uit Eksodus 15:1b-18 : Monolatric-monotheistic perspectives in the Psalms: Concept for a theological construct from Exodus 15:1b-18', HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1605-1624.[] af
dc.identifier.issn 0259-9422 (print)
dc.language.iso Afrikaans af
dc.publisher Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria en_US
dc.rights Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria en_US
dc.subject Monolatry en
dc.subject.lcsh Monotheism en
dc.subject.lcsh God -- Incomparability en
dc.subject.lcsh Henotheism en
dc.subject.lcsh Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms -- Relation to Exodus en
dc.subject.lcsh Bible -- O.T. -- Exodus XV, 1b-18 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. en
dc.subject.lcsh Intertextuality in the Bible en
dc.title Monolatries-monoteïstiese perspektiewe in die Psalms : konsep vir ’n teologiese ontwerp uit Eksodus 15:1b-18 af
dc.title.alternative Monolatric-monotheistic perspectives in the Psalms : concept for a theological construct from Exodus 15:1b-18 en
dc.type Article af

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