This report om Lamsiekte consists of a foreword by Sir Arnold Theiler, an introductory overview, 8 sections and an appendix to section 6 consisting of tables and figures. The 8 sections are: 1-Definition and historical notes p.843-851; 2-Cause of the disease and experiments upon its production in the Lamsiekte area p. 851-1051; 3-Experiments outside the recognized Lamsiekte area p.1051-1099; 4- The Lamsiekte toxin p.1099-1201; 5-Isolation and description of the toxicogenic saprophyte p.1201-1211; 6- Osteophagia and phosphorus deficiency in relation to Lamsiekte p.1211-1248; 7- Symptomatology of Lamsiekte p.1248-1292; 8- The pathology and pathogenesis of Lamsiekte p.1292-1306. Section 1 gives a definition for Lamsiekte , describes the areas of occurance and gives literature background of the disease.
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