1927 11th and 12th Reports of the Director of Veterinary Education and Research - Part 2, January 1927

1927 11th and 12th Reports of the Director of Veterinary Education and Research - Part 2, January 1927


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Lamsiekte (Parabotulism) in Cattle in South Africa
Theiler, A, Viljoen, PR, Green, HH, Du Toit, PJ, Meier, H & Robinson, EM

Foreword 821

Introductory review 822

Section 1: Definition and historical notes 843

Section 2: Cause of the disease and experiments upon its production in the lamsiekte area 851

Section 3: Experiments outside the recognized lamsiekte area 1051

Section 4: The lamsiekte toxin 1099

Section 5: Isolation and description of the toxicogenic saprophyte 1201

Section 6: Osteophagia and phosphorus deficiency in relation to lamsiekte 1211

Section 7: Symptomatology of lamsiekte 1248

Section 8: The pathology and pathogenesis of lamsiekte 1292

Appendix 1307

Recent Submissions

  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    Experiments were undertaken to note the symptoms and the course of the disease in cattle, small ruminants, equines and a few bird species.
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    This section contains rather detailed reports of all the post-mortem findings on animals which died from both experimentally induced lamsiekte as well as naturally contracted lamsiekte.
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    Results obtained from the experiments on osteophagia showed: The immediate cause of bovine osteophagia is a deficiency of phosphorus in the veld vegetation of soils very low in phosphorus content; Osteophagia can be produced ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    The tables in the appendix are part of Section 6 - Osteophagia and phosphorus deficiency in relation to lamsiekte. At the end of the tables are general photos of the disease lamsiekte. Fig. 16-19 are referred to in Section 5.
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    Section 5 describes experiments to isolate the toxicogenic saprophyte. These experiments showed that an organism of the Clostritium type was isolated from material which produced lamsiekte when given to susceptible animals ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    The experiments recorded in the following pages (the protocols of which will be found in Appendix, page 1152) were undertaken with the object (1) of studying the properties of the lamsiekte toxin and determining its minimum ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    Section 3 describes experiments done on animals outside the recognised lamsiekte area. The research was done by drenching animals with materials originating at Onderstepoort, Natal and Armoedsvlakte. Then another set of ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    Section 2 describes firstly experiments on the drenching of cattle with various materials e.g. pupae of a blow-fly reared on carcasses of cattle that died of naturally contracted lamsiekte, crushed putrid bones of bovine ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    This report om Lamsiekte consists of a foreword by Sir Arnold Theiler, an introductory overview, 8 sections and an appendix to section 6 consisting of tables and figures. The 8 sections are: 1-Definition and historical ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)
    This report on Lamsiekte consists of an introductory overview, 8 sections and an appendix to section 6 consisting of tables and figures. The 8 sections are: 1-Definition and historical notes; 2-Cause of the disease and ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Du Toit, P.J.; Viljoen, P.R.; Green, H.H.; Meier, Hans; Robinson, E.M.; Union of South Africa. Dept. of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1927)