The following observations relate only to one of the approximately 30 explicit quotations to be found in Hebrews and is part of a broader project on the nature of the Vorlage of these quotations. The focus in this investigation is more of a text critical than a hermeneutical nature. It is rather on establishing the origin and text form of the text used by the unknown author of Hebrews than on the interpretation of the quotation itself within the broader context. Regarding the origin of the quotation from Ps 8:5-7 in Heb 2:6-8, it is clear from the investigation that the author of Hebrews probably knew the quotation already via the tradition, but that he quoted a longer section and that some conscious changes were made during the process of his application and re-interpretation of the quotation in its new context. The link with Ps 110(109):1 was already made prior to Hebrews. The author did not share a testimony book with Paul for this combination, but knew the combination either via Paul or independently from Paul via the tradition. Regarding the text form of the quotation, it becomes clear that it closely resembles the reading of our reconstructed LXX.