Paper presented at the XXXIII IAHS World Congress on Housing, 27-30 September 2005,"Transforming Housing Environments through Design", University of Pretoria.
This contribution, gained over experience in Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Edilizi e Territoriali of Politecnico di Torino [2], aims at proposing “simplified assemblage” wooden building constructions, to face problems of temporary structures in border-line areas. To manage the whole process a multimedia system for handling information has been adopted. Main results are: - design building system with details and tools able to: a) define three-dimensional features respecting environment, suitable to construction and modifiable on site (with design of all construction nodes and realization of basement for connection on ground in 1:1 scale); b) design and realize an “all-in-one” tool to build up structures without other utensils; c) foresee repeatable construction phases, easily and quickly understandable; d) conceive procedures (using instruction fiches), to avoid injuries and minimize risks; e) simplify shape of elements interchangeable according to given dimensional coordination; f) separate units in parts simple to be reproduced (with specifications). Besides, necessary steps have been taken to: - allow users to be independent in construction operations; - adopt self-building and “dry assembly” procedures; - employ recyclable and easy to work materials, functional to adjustments during assembly phases; - use of regional woods to revalue local resources [6]; - foresee usability of all topics, especially on web to stimulate implementation; - guarantee interaction of users with multimedia, to support self-builders in construction phases; - handle 2D/3D models simultaneously to clarify building techniques; - manage “driven choices” defining typology of territorial development, layout, foreseen use and number of persons hosted in temporary houses; - provide all information needed to manage village at its best (self-help manual). The final outcome is a Multimedia containing all contributions to help users in self-building of village.