Complexities of migration : picaresque drawing

Show simple item record Schmidt, Leoni 2009-06-08T07:27:23Z 2009-06-08T07:27:23Z 2007
dc.description.abstract This article commences with a consideration of migration as an experience, an idea, a theme and a practice. It considers the antipodes as a focus of migration and the central role of migration in the antipodean imaginary. The writing then presents some contemporary drawings in the antipodes which make manifest the complexities of being unsettled and thus marginalised in one way or another. It argues that drawing is par excellence the material practice of migration as it is itself unsettled, unfinished, incomplete - conditions inherent in all instances of migration. Four case studies are briefly investigated. These share a picaresque quality which makes light of troubled migratory experiences while critiquing the very circumstances that give rise to such experiences. Finally, the notion of terra infirma and the tradition of the pentimento are highlighted through attention to two recent drawing projects that use the moving image. en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel neem aanvang met 'n inleiding oor migrasie as 'n ondervinding, 'n idee, 'n tema en 'n praktyk. Die antipodes word gesien as 'n fokus vir migrasie en die sentrale rol van migrasie in die antipodiese verbeelding word gestel. Die artikel stel dan enkele kontemporere tekeninge in the antipodes voor waarin kompleksiteite van ongeplaasdheid of ongestadigheid en die marginalisasie wat dit meebring op verskillende vlakke manifesteer. Die skrywer argumenteer dat die tekenkuns by uitstek die materiele praktyk van migrasie is aangesien dit in sigself eienskappe van ongeplaasdheid, onvolledigheid en voorlopigheid bevat - eienskappe inherent in alle gevalle van migrasie. Vier gevallestudies word kortliks ondersoek. Hul deel 'n pikareske kwaliteit waardeur ervaringe van migrasie ligweg aangebied word, terwyl die omstandighede wat daartoe aanleiding gee terselfdertyd gekritiseer word. Laastens word gefokus op die idee van terra infirma en die tradisie van die pentimento aan die hand van twee onlangse bewegende beeld tekenprojekte. af
dc.format.medium Journal article en_US
dc.identifier.citation Schmidt, L 2007, 'Complexities of migration: picaresque drawing', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-13. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject Picaresque drawing en
dc.subject Migration en
dc.subject Antipodes en
dc.subject Antipodean imaginary en
dc.subject Troubled migratory experiences en
dc.subject.lcsh Drawing en
dc.subject.lcsh Antipodeans (Group of artists) en
dc.title Complexities of migration : picaresque drawing en_US
dc.title.alternative Kompleksiteite van migrasie : pikareske tekenkuns af
dc.type Article en_US

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