Space as ritual: contesting the fixed interpretation of space in the African city

Show simple item record Van Rensburg, Rudolf Johannes Da Costa, Mary-Anne 2009-05-29T13:00:22Z 2009-05-29T13:00:22Z 2008
dc.description.abstract Drawing on Henri Lefebvre’s quotidian theories, space making is explored as an expression of a society’s collective mind. Spatial understanding is a function of culture. Spatial ability is the capacity to interpret knowledge about space and to organise spatial information. An appropriate spatial strategy in the South African context must support spatial ability and transcend Eurocentric models of spatial definition in order to achieve a viable postcolonial model. In the context of this argument, spatial production is viewed as the result of interrelations constituted through the social interactions of the everyday. Space can only sufficiently be understood as a realm of possibility, acknowledging the existence of multiplicity and the co-existence of heterogeneity. Against this background more dynamic models for spatial exploration are proposed. en_US
dc.description.abstract AFRIKAANS: Ruimte as ritueel:’n Bevraagtekening van die vaste interpretasie van ruimte in die Afrika stad. Met verwysing na Henri Lefebvre se teorieë van die alledaagse, word ruimteskepping as ’n uitdrukking van die gedeelde denke van ’n gemeenskap ondersoek. Ruimtelike begrip is ’n funksie van kultuur. Ruimtelike vermoë is die bevoegdheid om kunde van ruimte te kan interpreteer en om ruimtelike inligting te kan organiseer. ’n Toepaslike ruimtelike strategie vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks moet hierdie vermoë ondersteun en Eurosentriese modelle van ruimtelike definisie oormeester ten einde ’n geldige postkoloniale model te vind. Binne die konteks van hierdie argument word die maak van ruimte beskou as die gevolg van vehoudinge opgebou deur alledaagse sosiale interaksie. Ruimte kan slegs werklik begryp word as die reikgebied van moontlikhede wat erkenning aan die medebestaan van kulturele veelvuldigheid gee. Teen hierdie agtergrond word meer dinamiese modelle vir ruimtelike ondersoek voorgestel.
dc.identifier.citation Van Rensburg, RJ & Da Costa, M-E, 2008, 'Space as ritual: contesting the fixed interpretation of space in the African city', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 23, no 3, pp 30-42. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject Architecture en_US
dc.subject Place en_US
dc.subject Space en_US
dc.subject Urbanism en_US
dc.title Space as ritual: contesting the fixed interpretation of space in the African city en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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