DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : In this study, we used publicly available data which were accessed from
NCBI (, Smegmlist ( and
Bovilist (; accessed on 20 January 2022) databases.
All other data generated or analysed in the current study are available upon request.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : FIGURE S1: Gel electrophoresis image illustrating amplification of esxA gene fragment using M. smegmatis derived primers. Lane ‘M’ is 100 bp Molecular weight markers (O’ gene ruler from Thermofisher Scientific), Lanes 6, 7 and 8 are positive samples, Lanes 2, 3, 4, 9, 10,11,12,13,14, and 15 are negative samples, and lane PC is M. smegmatis positive control and lane NC1 and NC2 are negative controls. FIGURE S2: Gel electrophoresis image illustrating amplification of esxB gene fragment using M. smegmatis derived primers. Lane 1 is a positive sample, lane NC is a negative control, while lane PC is M. smegmatis positive control, and lane M is a 100 bp Molecular weight marker (100 bp O’gene Ruler from Thermo Fisher Scientific); FIGURE S3: Gel electrophoresis image illustrating amplification of esxA gene fragment using M. bovis derived primers. Lanes 1 and 4 are negative samples, Lane 2, is a positive sample and lane 3 is M. bovis control while lane 5 is a negative control, and lane M, a 100 bp Molecular weight marker (100 bp O’gene Ruler from Thermo Fisher Scientific); FIGURE S4: Gel electrophoresis image illustrating amplification of esxB gene fragment using M. bovis derived primers. Lanes 1 is M. bovis control, Lane 2, is a negative sample and lane 3 is a positive sample while lane 4 is a negative control, and lane M, a 100 bp Molecular weight marker (100 bp O’gene Ruler from Thermo Fisher Scientific).