The mitochondrial genome of Dematophora necatrix is 121,350 base pairs in length with a GþC content
of 30.19%. Phylogenetic analysis showed that D. necatrix grouped with other members of the
Xylariaceae, with which its mitogenome also shares a broadly similar architecture and gene content.
The D. necatrix mitogenome contains 14 protein-coding and 26 tRNA-encoding genes, as well as one
copy each of the rnl, rns, rps3 and nat1 genes. However, as much as 80% of this genome is intronic or
non-coding. This is likely due to expansions and rearrangements caused by the large number of group
I introns and the homing endonucleases and reverse-transcriptases they encode. Our study thus provides
a valuable foundation from which to explore the mitochondrion’s role in the biology of D. necatrix,
and also serves as a resource for investigating the pathogen’s population biology and general
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The genome sequence data that support the findings of this study are openly available in GenBank of NCBI at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/. The associated BioProject, BioSample, Genbank, and SRA numbers are PRJNA884201, SAMN31015769, PP377641 and SRR28283158.