DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The processed Illumina, NanoPore reads, the genome assembly, along with the gene models have been deposited at China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb, with BioProject ID: PRJCA024193.
SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES : FIGURE S1. Genomic survey of P. vulgaris.
FIGURE S2. Circos diagram of the P. vulgaris genome.
FIGURE S3. Cluster diagram of overall metabolites.
FIGURE S4. K-means diagram of differential metabolites.
FIGURE S5. Phylogeny of OSC genes extracted from 18 plant genomes and functionally characterized enzyme-encoding genes.
FIGURE S6. Detailed phylogeny of CYP716 genes.
FIGURE S7. Detailed phylogeny of UGT73 genes.
FIGURE S8. Gene co-expression module classification by WGCNA using trasncriptomic data of roots, stems, leaves, seeds and spikes (three replicates for each organ) of P. vulgaris.
FIGURE S9. Functional characterization of Pvul_OSC-3.
FIGURE S10. Functional characterization of Pvul_OSC_1 and Pvul_CYP716s.
FIGURE S11. Synteny of characterized OSCs and CYP716s in P. vulgaris with their orthologs in S. baicalensis.
FIGURE S12. Whole-genome duplication (WGD) events analysis in P. vulgaris and three other plants.
SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES : TABLE S1. Statistics for P. vulgaris genome assembly in Zhang et al. (2024) and this study.
TABLE S2. Triterpenoids detected in P. vulgaris by metabolome.
TABLE S3. IDs and renames of OSC, CYP716, UGT73 genes, and corresponding functional genes in 18 species.
TABLE S4. Plant genome used in this study.
TABLE S5. Distribution of potential P. vulgaris enzyme-encoding genes in involved in the triterpenoid saponin biosynthesis in different co-expression modules.
TABLE S6. Gene expression profile of P. vulgaris.
TABLE S7. PCR Primers used in this study.