Linear latent variable models such as principal component analysis (PCA), independent
component analysis (ICA), canonical correlation analysis (CCA), and factor analysis (FA) identify
latent directions (or loadings) either ordered or unordered. These data are then projected onto the
latent directions to obtain their projected representations (or scores). For example, PCA solvers usually
rank principal directions by explaining the most variance to the least variance. In contrast, ICA solvers
usually return independent directions unordered and often with single sources spread across multiple
directions as multiple sub-sources, severely diminishing their usability and interpretability. This paper
proposes a general framework to enhance latent space representations to improve the interpretability
of linear latent spaces. Although the concepts in this paper are programming language agnostic, the
framework is written in Python. This framework simplifies the process of clustering and ranking of
latent vectors to enhance latent information per latent vector and the interpretation of latent vectors.
Several innovative enhancements are incorporated, including latent ranking (LR), latent scaling
(LS), latent clustering (LC), and latent condensing (LCON). LR ranks latent directions according to a
specified scalar metric. LS scales latent directions according to a specified metric. LC automatically
clusters latent directions into a specified number of clusters. Lastly, LCON automatically determines
the appropriate number of clusters to condense the latent directions for a given metric to enable
optimal latent discovery. Additional functionality of the framework includes single-channel and
multi-channel data sources and data pre-processing strategies such as Hankelisation to seamlessly
expand the applicability of linear latent variable models (LLVMs) to a wider variety of data. The
effectiveness of LR, LS, LC, and LCON is shown in two foundational problems crafted with two
applied latent variable models, namely, PCA and ICA.
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The original data presented in the study are openly available in a
GitHub repository at https://github.com/Greeen16/SoftwareX-Paper (accessed on 31 May 2024).
The combined heartbeat dataset is available from Kaggle at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/
shayanfazeli/heartbeat (accessed on 31 May 2024).