Optimal control approach for implementation of sterile insect techniques

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dc.contributor.author Bliman, P.-A.
dc.contributor.author Cardona-Salgado, D.
dc.contributor.author Dumont, Yves
dc.contributor.author Vasilieva, O.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-27T12:15:35Z
dc.date.issued 2024-03
dc.description.abstract The vector or pest control is essential to reduce the risk of vector-borne diseases or crop losses. Among the available biological control tools, the sterile insect technique (SIT) is one of the most promising. However, SIT-control campaigns must be carefully planned in advance in order to render desirable outcomes. In this paper, we propose SIT-control intervention programs that can avoid the real-time monitoring of the wild population and require to mass-rear a minimal overall number of sterile insects, in order to induce a local elimination of the wild population in the shortest time. Continuous-time release programs are obtained by applying an optimal control approach, and then laying the groundwork of more practical SIT-control programs consisting of periodic impulsive releases. en_US
dc.description.department Mathematics and Applied Mathematics en_US
dc.description.embargo 2025-03-23
dc.description.librarian hj2024 en_US
dc.description.sdg SDG-02:Zero Hunger en_US
dc.description.sponsorship The Colciencias and ECOS-Nord Program; the inter- institutional cooperation program MathAmsud; the GEMDOTIS project, funded by the call ECOPHYTO 2018; the DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Mathematical Models and Methods in Biosciences and Bioengineering at the University of Pretoria. en_US
dc.description.uri https://link.springer.com/journal/10958 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Bliman, PA., Cardona-Salgado, D., Dumont, Y. et al. Optimal Control Approach for Implementation of Sterile Insect Techniques. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 279, 607–622 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-024-07042-y. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1072-3374 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1573-8795 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1007/s10958-024-07042-y.
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/100319
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Springer en_US
dc.rights © 2024 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The original publication is available at : https://link.springer.com/journal/10958. en_US
dc.subject Pest control en_US
dc.subject Vector-borne diseases en_US
dc.subject Crop losses en_US
dc.subject Sterile insect technique (SIT) en_US
dc.subject Vector control en_US
dc.subject Optimal control en_US
dc.subject Periodic impulsive control en_US
dc.subject Open-loop control en_US
dc.subject SDG-02: Zero hunger en_US
dc.title Optimal control approach for implementation of sterile insect techniques en_US
dc.type Postprint Article en_US

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