Klipspruit Colliery is experiencing coal losses, which leads to a negative impact on coal production and subsequently loss in revenue. This study aimed to identify the possible causes of coal losses in the No. 4 upper and lower seams. The objectives were to identify potential sources of coal losses through a literature survey, to identify areas where the coal losses occurred, to determine factors affecting coal losses, and to identify the most cost-effective methods to reduce coal losses. Highwall losses, top-of-coal losses, and coal edge losses were identified as the major areas of coal loss at Klipspruit. These losses were mostly attributed to the drilling and blasting practises of the pre-split, interburden waste, and the coal seams. Recommendations include re-visiting the current pre-split design and the tolerances adopted for the interburden and coal seam drilling and blasting design. It is furthermore recommended that Klipspruit implement a continuous improvement plan for the drilling and blasting and refresher training for the blasting crew and operators.