We introduce an impact‐based framework to evaluate seasonal forecast model skill in capturing
extreme weather and climate events over regions prone to natural disasters such as floods and wildfires.
Forecasting hydroclimatic extremes holds significant importance in an era of increasing hazards such as
wildfires, floods, and droughts. We evaluate the performance of five Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
seasonal forecast models (CMCC, DWD, ECCC, UK‐Met, and Météo‐France) in predicting extreme
precipitation events from 1993 to 2016 using 14 indices reflecting timing and intensity (using absolute and
locally defined thresholds) of precipitation at a seasonal timescale. Performance metrics, including Percent Bias,
Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Score, and models' discrimination capacity, are used for skill evaluation. Our
findings indicate that the performance of models varies markedly across regions and seasons. While models
generally show good skill in the tropical regions, their skill in extra‐tropical regions is markedly lower. Elevated
precipitation thresholds (i.e., higher intensity indices) correlate with heightened model biases, indicating
deficiencies in modeling severe precipitation events. Our analysis using an impact‐based framework highlights
the superior predictive capabilities of the UK‐Met and Météo‐France models in capturing the underlying
processes that drive precipitation events, or lack thereof, across many regions and seasons. Other models exhibit
strong performance in specific regions and/or seasons, but not globally. These results advance our
understanding of an impact‐based framework in capturing a broad spectrum of extreme weather and climatic
events, and inform strategic amalgamation of diverse models across different regions and seasons, thereby
offering valuable insights for disaster management and risk analysis.
DATA AVAILABITY STATEMENT: The data used in this study were obtained from the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts
(ECMWF) Copernicus Climate Change Service, specifically from the ERA5 reanalysis data set and C3S seasonal
forecasts. These data sets are publicly available through the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) (at https://cds.
climate.copernicus.eu) under an Open Data Commons Attribution 4.0 International (ODC‐BY 4.0) license. To
access the data, users can register for a free account on the Copernicus Climate Data Store platform and follow the
provided guidelines for data retrieval. The specific seasonal model versions used in this study are CMCC‐SPS3.5,
DWD‐GCFS2.1, ECCC‐GEM5‐NEMO, UK MetOffice GloSea6, and Météo‐France‐System 8. The MODIS
Land Cover data set (Friedl & Sulla‐Menashe, 2022) used to categorize IPCC based on proportion of farmlands
are available from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Centre (at https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/
MCD12Q1.061). The Global Human Settlement Layer data set (Schiavina et al., 2023) used to categorize IPCC
based on population density are available from Joint Research Centre Data Catalogue (at doi:10.2905/3c60ddf6‐
0586‐4190‐854b‐f6aa0edc2a30). The MODIS burned area data sets (Chuvieco et al., 2018) is available from
Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (at https://doi.org/10.5285/58F00D8814064B79A0C49662AD3AF537). The data used for categorizing the IPCC regions based on flood affected areas (Tellman et al., 2021)
are available from Google Earth Engine Data Catalog (at https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/