ec5_uuid created_at uploaded_at created_by title 1_Transect_number 2_WEATHER 3_NAMEID_OF_GREEN_SP 4_ASSESSOR 5_Date 6_Comments lat_7_Start_location_ple long_7_Start_location_ple accuracy_7_Start_location_ple UTM_Northing_7_Start_location_ple UTM_Easting_7_Start_location_ple UTM_Zone_7_Start_location_ple 8_Start_time 10_Are_there_any_FOR 11_Are_there_any_INF 13_Water_fountain_in 14_Other_public_art_ 15_Historic_or_attra 16_Attractions_eg_zo 18_General_litter_du 19_Animal_or_human_f 20_Evidence_of_alcoh 21_Graffiti_or_vanda 22_Excessive__unplea 23_Unpleasant_smells 24_Illegal_living_an 26_To_what_degree_is 27_To_what_degree_ar 28_To_what_degree_ar 30_Direct_or_indirec 31_Direct_animals_or 32_Estimate_the_perc 33_Estimate_the_perc 34_Estimate_the_perc 36_Playground_equipm 37_Sports_or_fitness 38_Urban_gardening_o 40_Seatingbenches 41_Litter_bins 42_Recycling_bins 43_Public_toilets 44_Cafe__kiosk_Infor 45_Informal_sales_ar 46_Sheltershade__man 47_Sheltershade__fro 48_Barbequesareas_to 49_Picnic_tables 50_Drinking_fountain 52_Is_there_artifici 53_Visibility_of_sur 54_Visibility_of_sur 56_Does_the_space_co 57_Most_of_the_area_ 58_Permeable_surface 59_Presence_of_trees 60_Does_the_area_con 61_Presence_of_rain_ lat_62_END_LOCATION_plea long_62_END_LOCATION_plea accuracy_62_END_LOCATION_plea UTM_Northing_62_END_LOCATION_plea UTM_Easting_62_END_LOCATION_plea UTM_Zone_62_END_LOCATION_plea 63_End_time 64_Comments 8269f344-be7a-47f0-b66f-bdeedb3c50f5 2021-10-14T10:18:41.066Z 2021-10-27T14:03:38.000Z 10 Mabopane 10 Sunny Mabopane Kristine, Isis 14-10-2021 Informal carwash and hangout. Dam and bridge at eastern boundary affecting flow of river -25.519835 28.060743 4 7177064 606588 35J 11:59:00 No Yes No No Yes No Very noticeable Notice-able None None Hardly noticeable Very noticeable Very noticeable None NA NA Yes Yes 11-25% 11-25% 25-50% None, NOT expected None, NOT expected Good To some degree None, expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected To some degree None, expected Good To some degree None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None Clear Clear Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.521143 28.056639 4 7176922 606174 35J 12:16:00 Informal car wash with hangout with shade and benches. Three sightings of sewer water leaking into stream. One large well kept vegetable garden 5d8625a1-dd7e-43e0-a1a6-336f24500766 2021-10-14T09:36:35.057Z 2021-10-27T14:01:27.000Z 9 Mabopane 9 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Maya, Ida 14-10-2021 Row of succulents planted possibly indicating old field or garden. Cow feces and grazing of vegetation -25.522329 28.055345 4 7176792 606043 35J 11:12:00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Very noticeable Notice-able None None Hardly noticeable Hardly noticeable Very noticeable To some degree To some degree To some degree Yes Yes 1-10% 11-25% Over 50% Good None, NOT expected None, NOT expected To some degree To some degree None, NOT expected Good None, expected To some degree Good To some degree Good To some degree To some degree To some degree Clear Clear Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.523943 28.057655 4 7176612 606274 35J 11:36:00 Private illegal swimming resort has all the facilities ticked of in survey so public access is limited by cost of entering the resort. 241f31dc-bb67-4674-89eb-a0ae30944179 2021-10-13T09:38:56.396Z 2021-10-27T13:59:29.000Z 8 Mabopane 8 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Siegwalt 13-10-2021 Dumping site next to road 30x20m. Dense thorny shrub covering most of the transect. Lampposts next to road vandalized and cut down -25.523602 28.04814 4 7176657 605318 35J 11:15:00 No Yes No No No No Notice-able Very noticeable None Hardly noticeable Hardly noticeable Hardly noticeable None Poor NA NA Yes Yes 25-50% Over 50% 25-50% None, NOT expected None, NOT expected Good None, expected None, expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected Good None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None None None Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.521499 28.047144 4 7176891 605220 35J 11:36:00 Extensive well maintained urban gardens and agriculture along South road. Dumping of building materials and soil along north road. Tracks and feces from large mammal possibly water mongoose. Grazing and feces from cows. cc6a0b7c-e3fa-4780-9713-f5255285841c 2021-10-13T09:06:17.511Z 2021-10-27T13:57:47.000Z 7 Mabopane 7 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Siegwalt 13-10-2021 Urban informal park to the south road with benches from recycled materials and shade trees -25.522811 28.05062 4 7176743 605568 35J 10:58:00 No No No No No Yes Hardly noticeable Notice-able None None Notice-able Hardly noticeable None None NA NA Yes Yes 11-25% 11-25% 25-50% None, NOT expected None, NOT expected To some degree To some degree None, expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, expected To some degree None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None Partial Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.522225 28.050103 4 7176808 605517 35J 11:05:00 Two leaks of water into site from North residential area one clear and one with grey sewer water cc543cdb-75bf-4a82-a9c3-eafdf2c7d663 2021-10-13T08:51:39.296Z 2021-10-27T13:56:42.000Z 6 Mabopane 6 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Siegwalt 13-10-2021 City moving trash into river with excavator. Informal welding shop. Formal bridge for crossing the river the middle of the site and connecting the residential areas to the north and south of site. -25.520418 28.052696 4 7177006 605779 35J 10:42:00 Yes No No No Yes No Very noticeable None None None Very noticeable Hardly noticeable None None NA NA Yes No 25-50% 1-10% 25-50% None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, expected Good None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None Clear Clear Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.522075 28.05271 4 7176822 605779 35J 10:50:00 Bridge and old dam obstructing water and both partially destroyed by flooding hindering access 004eb8e2-b452-4e89-8829-24f4747538d6 2021-10-13T08:06:34.540Z 2021-11-03T10:57:32.000Z 5 Mabopane 5 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Siegwalt 13-10-2021 Petrolstation build within the site boundary. Tenniscourt in connection to sports complex. Dumping near road and petrol station. -25.522135 28.036259 4 7176829 604125 35J 09:31:00 No Yes No No Yes Yes Notice-able Notice-able None None Notice-able None None Poor NA NA Yes Yes 11-25% 25-50% 25-50% None, expected To some degree None, expected None, expected None, expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected Good None, expected None, NOT expected Good None, expected None, expected None, expected None None None Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.518542 28.041348 4 7177223 604640 35J 10:05:00 Mulberry tree. Stadium to the east of transect. Harvest of bark and branches of trees. Cow herd spotted. 499c30a5-fbf2-4d7f-a797-d2742ebaf380 2021-10-12T09:42:25.254Z 2021-10-27T09:29:27.000Z 4 Mabopane 4 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine 12-10-2021 Mini waterfall. In stream boulders and islands of natural vegetation. No noise from start of transect -25.520881 28.044908 4 7176961 604996 35J 11:20:00 No Yes No No No No Very noticeable Notice-able None None Hardly noticeable Hardly noticeable None None NA NA Yes Yes 11-25% Over 50% 25-50% None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected Good None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None None None Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.524308 28.043417 4 7176582 604843 35J 11:40:00 Huge soil and rock dumping towards road possibly from excavating soil for the stadium now overgrown with vegetation and partly eroded by rain 3ecb2a7d-5faf-4c8a-9676-6cff98811341 2021-10-12T08:55:06.825Z 2021-10-27T09:28:17.000Z 3 Mabopane 3 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Maya, Titi 12-10-2021 Dumping next to road -25.525001 28.04048 4 7176508 604547 35J 10:05:00 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Very noticeable Notice-able Hardly noticeable Notice-able Notice-able Hardly noticeable Hardly noticeable To some degree NA Poor Yes Yes 11-25% 25-50% Over 50% None, expected To some degree None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, expected None, expected To some degree None, expected None, expected None, expected None None None Yes Yes Yes Yes No No -25.519724 28.042883 4 7177091 604793 35J 10:51:00 Herd of cows with bells passing through area with shepherd creating informal paths. Informal hairdresser at road. Transect follows eastside of stadium. Burnt vegetation. Cut tree possibly for fire. Leftover ruins close to stadium falling apart and one used for informal living or toilet with a later plastic roof. c7a93e1c-3241-42d2-8865-436556e5e092 2021-10-12T07:59:11.860Z 2021-10-27T09:21:43.000Z 2 Mabopane 2 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Titi, Maya 12-10-2021 Barbwire fence around stadium pulled down. Grass burned under barbwire possibly for maintenance. Lawn up to stadium mowed -25.522962 28.03944 4 7176735 604444 35J 09:47:00 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notice-able Notice-able Notice-able Notice-able Notice-able None Hardly noticeable Good NA NA Yes Yes 1-10% 1-10% Over 50% None, expected To some degree None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, NOT expected None, NOT expected None, expected None, expected None, expected To some degree None, expected None, expected None, expected None Clear Clear No Yes Yes No No No -25.524728 28.038624 4 7176540 604361 35J 09:57:00 Informal car repair next to road. Road/services being maintained. 5fc24dd5-89d2-4168-82e0-f05afc1b20b7 2021-10-12T07:39:31.914Z 2021-10-27T07:58:32.000Z 1 Mabopane 1 Sunny Mabopane Isis, Kristine, Maya, Titi 12-10-2021 Entrance to sports complex. Formal and informal shops and restaurants along road. Tennis and basket courts. Trash can overflowing -25.523942 28.037013 4 7176628 604200 35J 09:10:00 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Hardly noticeable Notice-able Notice-able None Notice-able None None Good NA Good Yes Yes 1-10% 1-10% Over 50% None, expected Good None, NOT expected None, expected To some degree None, NOT expected Good Good To some degree To some degree To some degree None, expected None, expected Good Poor Clear None No Yes Yes No No No -25.522159 28.038874 4 7176824 604388 35J 09:38:00 Stadium blocks access to the area behind it. Grass mowed short