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  • Grafton, David D. (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-03)
    Historical inquiry into the origin and history of "the Arabs" has long been a part of Western Orientalist literature. However, Christian scholars from the 7th century onward sought to understand the rise of Islam from ...
  • Kasonga, Abe E.; Deepak, Vishwa; Kruger, Marlena C.; Coetzee, Magdalena (Public Library of Science, 2015-04-13)
    An unbalanced diet can have adverse effects on health. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) have been the focus of research owing to their necessity of inclusion in a healthy diet. However, the effects of ...
  • Botha, C.J. (Christoffel Jacobus); Venter, Elna; University of Pretoria. Faculty of Veterinary Science. Dept. of Paraclinical Sciences. Section Pharmacology and Toxicology (2002)
    DISTRIBUTION: Peanuts, an important cash crop, is an annual legume. Its cake is used as feed or for makingt other food products and haulms provide quality fodder. Peanuts are mainly grown in the Free State, Northwest and ...
  • Aramis 
    Coetzee, Christo (Department of the University of Pretoria Art, 2011)
  • Balocchi Schalchli, Felipe Alejandro (University of Pretoria, 2022)
    The thesis titled ‘Araucaria (Araucaria araucana) canker disease in Chile: etiology and fungal diversity’ considered a serious disease that has recently emerged on Araucaria araucana, an iconic conifer species endemic to ...
  • Van Jaarsveld, S.R. (Fanie) (Faculty of Law, University of Port Elizabeth, 2012)
    Gedurende die afgelope paar jaar het interessante tendense in arbeidsregtelike verband neerslag gevind - tendense wat aan die een kant deur regspragmatisme gekenmerk word en te verwelkom is, maar aan die ander kant, ander ...
  • Van Jaarsveld, S.R. (Fanie) (Juta Law, 2008)
    Die wel en wee van Mike Tshishonga in die departement van justisie oor 'n tydperk van tien jaar is arbeidsregtelik insiggewend maar neerdrukkend - veral die kulminasie daarvan in sy ontslag as adjunk-direkteur-generaal en ...
  • Van Jaarsveld, S.R. (Fanie) (LexisNexis, 2009)
    Die wel en weë van dienskontrakte van “openbare verkoopvrouens” (statutêr beter bekend as prostitute) het die afgelope twee jaar in Kylie v Commissioner for Conciliation Mediation & Arbitration 2007 ILJ 470 (KVBA), 2008 ...
  • De Villiers, D.W. (Dawid Willem) (LitNet, 2014-03)
    Om onbillike diskriminasie in die werkplek te bewys, behels verskeie stappe. Ten eerste moet daar ʼn oortuigende grond of rede aangevoer word, dan moet spesifieke negatiewe praktyke of optredes bewys word en ten slotte moet ...
  • Msiska, Zola (University of Pretoria, 2007-10-15)
    Please read the abstract (Summary) in the section 00front of this document
  • Vivas, Maria; Crous, C.J.; Dames, J.F.; Van der Linde, Johannes Alwyn; Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Roux, Jolanda (Elsevier, 2018-03)
    Forest declines have been reported with increasing regularity during the last decade and are expected to increase due to the ongoing environmental changes. During adverse environmental conditions, plant symbioses with ...
  • Schur, D.V.; Zaginaichenko, S.Y.; Zolotarenko, A.D. (International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2012)
    Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, 16-18 July, 2012.
  • Arcadia 
    Provenance photograph collection (Unknown)
  • Van den Berg, Johannes Jacobus (University of Pretoria, 2014-11)
    Recently, self-ligating brackets have gained popularity among clinicians around the world (Pandis et al., 2010, Berger, 2008). A passive self-ligating system utilizes a passive self-ligating slot, which is supposed to ...
  • Provenance photograph collection (Unknown)
  • Steyn, Bianca (University of Pretoria, 2018)
    The focus of this research is on Mutamba, a 13th century Middle Iron Age (MIA) settlement situated in the Soutpansberg, South Africa and is the first archaeobotanical study of a MIA settlement. Many communities of this ...
  • Van Zyl, Wynand J.; Badenhorst, Shaw; Taljaard, Elene; Denbow, James R.; Wilmsen, Edwin N. (Transvaal Museum, 2013-02)
    We report on the fauna from the sites of Xaro 1 and Xaro 2 located on the Okavango Delta in northern Botswana. Carbon isotopes from two human graves at Xaro Lodge located approximately 500 m south of Xaro 1 suggest ...
  • Joubert, Michelle (University of Pretoria, 2019-11-30)
    Musina (Messina), is a small town in far northern South Africa known for its copper mining history. To date, historical narratives about South African industrialisation, especially with regards to the mining sector, have ...
  • Stephens, Lucas; Fuller, Dorian; Boivin, Nicole; Rick, Torben; Gauthier, Nicolas; Kay, Andrea; Marwick, Ben; Armstrong, Chelsey Geralda; Barton, C. Michael; Denham, Tim; Douglass, Kristina; Driver, Jonathan; Janz, Lisa; Roberts, Patrick; Rogers, J. Daniel; Thakar, Heather; Altaweel, Mark; Johnson, Amber L.; Vattuone, Maria Marta Sampietro; Aldenderfer, Mark; Archila, Sonia; Artioli, Gilberto; Bale, Martin T.; Beach, Timothy; Borrell, Ferran; Braje, Todd; Buckland, Philip I.; Cano, Nayeli Guadalupe Jiménez; Capriles, Jose M.; Castillo, Agustin Diez; Cilingiroglu, Ciler; Cleary, Michelle Negus; Conolly, James; Coutros, Peter R.; Covey, R. Alan; Cremaschi, Mauro; Crowther, Alison; Der, Lindsay; Di Lernia, Savino; Doershuk, John F.; Doolittle, William E.; Edwards, Kevin J.; Erlandson, Jon M.; Evans, Damian; Fairbairn, Andrew; Faulkner, Patrick; Feinman, Gary; Fernandes, Ricardo; Fitzpatrick, Scott M.; Fyfe, Ralph; Garcea, Elena; Goldstein, Steve; Goodman, Reed Charles; Guedes, Jade Dalpoim; Herrmann, Jason; Hiscock, Peter; Hommel, Peter; Horsburgh, K. Ann; Hritz, Carrie; Ives, John W.; Junno, Aripekka; Kahn, Jennifer G.; Kaufman, Brett; Kearns, Catherine; Kidder, Tristram R.; Lanoe, Francois; Lawrence, Dan; Lee, Gyoung-Ah; Levin, Maureece J.; Lindskoug, Henrik B.; Lopez-Saez, Jose Antonio; Macrae, Scott; Marchant, Rob; Marston, John M.; McClure, Sarah; McCoy, Mark D.; Miller, Alicia Ventresca; Morrison, Michael; Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite; Muller, Johannes; Nayak, Ayushi; Noerwidi, Sofwan; Peres, Tanya M.; Peterson, Christian E.; Proctor, Lucas; Randall, Asa R.; Renette, Steve; Schug, Gwen Robbins; Ryzewski, Krysta; Saini, Rakesh; Scheinsohn, Vivian; Schmidt, Peter R.; Sebillaud, Pauline; Seitsonen, Oula; Simpson, Ian A.; Soltysiak, Arkadiusz; Speakman, Robert J.; Spengler, Robert N.; Steffen, Martina L.; Storozum, Michael J.; Strickland, Keir M.; Thompson, Jessica; Thurston, T.L.; Ulm, Sean; Ustunkaya, M. Cemre; Welker, Martin H.; West, Catherine; Williams, Patrick Ryan; Wright, David K.; Wright, Nathan; Zahir, Muhammad; Zerboni, Andrea; Beaudoin, Ella; Garcia, Santiago Munevar; Powell, Jeremy; Thornton, Alexa; Kaplan, Jed O.; Gaillard, Marie-Jose; Goldewijk, Kees Klein; Ellis, Erle (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2019-08)
    Environmentally transformative human use of land accelerated with the emergence of agriculture, but the extent, trajectory, and implications of these early changes are not well understood. An empirical global assessment ...
  • Ashley, Ceri Z.; Grillo, Katherine M. (Routledge, 2015-04)
    Ceramics are an essential part of the Holocene archaeology of eastern Africa and the development of increasingly complex typologies has rightly played a key role in our understanding of chronology and social identity. ...